Me myself and I

First time trader and I’m to learn from ground zero right here on this Forum… I’m from Africa and I want to making money and help alot of people on how I made it… start of a new journey, let’s see where it takes me…
Oh and by the way my name is David

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Welcome David, best advice I can give you… don’t take anyones advice!

Best of luck on your journey. I hope you have a plan in place.

hi and welcome David in baby pips forum. make sure a good trading plan and be active on this. good luck

Hi. Welcome to this forum! Prepare a plan; it will help you to become more organised. Good luck!

Hi You must start with the basics and only then move further. Don’t forget to practise on a demo account. All the best for your journey.

Hey David. Start with YouTube, learn a strategy, back and forward test it over time to see if you are profitable before you think about going live.

You don’t need to spend money on education.

Welcome to all 3 of you to the forum

Hi David! It’s nice to meet you, I’m glad you joined here and hope to see you stick around! I admire your goal to help others, I’ve always wanted to do the same. :grin: