MegaDroid and PipJet

  1. but are you aware that 0.2 is not to say 2% but 20%??
  2. Now I do not know exactly, but surely you “bust” the gmt!
    why your results are unpacked!
    In my opinion, and pipjet MegaDroid are truly excellent ea!


My last trade also closed off with 30ish pip loss… I’m suspecting a GMToffset problem may be the cause…
Am using FXCM MT4 on demo and have left settings as default, auto calculated GMT offset is +0 which is different to what it says in pipjet manual. Have changed this to +1 as the manual says, so will see what happens. Backtests have been near perfect…

Am also using a FinFx account but havent had any trades generated yet as only been installed a short time.

Contact your broker to get the proper GMT offset!

Well I have two accounts with pipjet… one at ECN FinFX and one at FinFX demo (without ECN!)

The ECN account had that day two trades both with small lost (Breakeven) -0.9 and -1.1 pips
The Demo account (without ECN!!) traded also two accounts one with a small lost (Breakeven) -0,7. The second trade was a lost of 29pips(!) When you look at the trade… the price went back that day to the starting price from that trade. After that it went totally again our trade! But the difference is the ECN account en the demo (not ECN account) Because at the demo account I need more pips to get breakeven… it didn’t stop out the bad trade!!

So I quess it’s a need to use an ECN-account with MD as well with Pipjet!!

Good luck!!

Well ofcourse…if the trade is going against you…it’s clear that there can be a huch lost as well with MD as with Pipjet!

So how’s pipjet going for you guys? Ive sent them an email for a few inquiries and they arent replying. Are they even legit? How come people are losing?

I have not lost anything! any trade lost!

June 27 + 6.1
June 28 + 4.9
July 4 + 1
July 5 + 1.1
July 5 + 0.8

Pipjet works great if you force the gmt!:

gmtoffset: 0
autolocalgmtoffset: true
autoservergmtoffset: true

have a look on myfxbook at the pipjet accounts.
They speak for themselves.

My results are identical to those published by the demo account myfxbook FOREXFBI.

I had two very small wins, then a 29 pip loss Last Thursday - demo account see myfxbook marshy201

Setting are all at default - not sure if these are right!

Hi People, until now Pipjet gave me 9 trades and 14 pips with some trades in breakeven.
It trading more slowly than I expected before. I will give it one more week and ask for refund if it keep this way… I think it’s getting very small wins and later can drawn down all in loss.
By now Smartfx is going very well for me with the Traderscolo VPS.

Pipjet trade already initiated at UK time 21:32, well before Asian Session. Pipjet setings at default.

Broker AdvantageFX - UK
There server time 1 hour behind UK.

2012.07.10.20:32 - sell 0.30 price 1.02265 S/L 1.03018 T/P 101693 - currently minus £4.65

search - user name marshy201 myfxbook


Traded at FinFX ECN account.

1.1 pips
Sell => Open Price: 1.02268 Close Price: 1.02257 Duration: 2h 59m

Your trade was a little better than mine… same Duration but -0.4 pips in Pepperstone broker.
Almost breakeven… for an scalper that trade few times per week I’m not happy.
So far 2 weeks and 14 pips… maybe a little better than Megadroid.

Good luck

Well I think MD is trading less then “normal” this period…

Result of last two weeks:
Pipjet: 6.9 pips
MD: 0.5 pips

just waiting for the next two weeks…after that I make a decission…refund or not… till now Pipjet is better then MD!! But I think PipJet is actually the same as MD only adapted for USD/CAD

at the PipJet website they say…we explaine everything… but in fact you really don’t know if it’s true… with the info given you can’t trace it.
I believe as well PipJet and MD both trade as follow (what I saw if it trades):
-are waiting untill the end of the US-session.
-if ranging then possible a trade… (I guess it depends to volatility during the day and at the moment of starting a trade…?!)
-after 01:00(?!) not trading anymore
-if the prise is at the upper range of rangingarrea and ranging arrea needs bigger then 10 (15?!) pips=> then sell
-if the prise is at the lower range of rangingarrea and ranging arrea needs bigger then 10 (15?!) pips => then buy
-stoploss is placed at a “safe” support or resistance level
-Take profit is 5 to 10 pips (strategy1 or strategy2)
-The strong thing of MD as well pipjet is how it tries to close a trade if it comes to BreakEven (I don’t have a clue untill now how that works)

Well that’s it I believe… what they say about the strategy on the website… maybe it’s true, maybe not… but I don’t believe that mediahype that easy :54:

Trading finished 0.54 increase - on startup account £1000 - account currently stands at £941.34 due to earlier big minus 29.9 pip loss - along way to go.

07.05.2012 20:21 07.05.2012 21:50 USDCAD Sell 0.25 - - 1.01428 1.01426 0.2 0.54 1h 28m 0.05%

small 0.2 Pip gain - this last trade is similar to there test accounts 2 and 4, number 5 at breakeven.

I thought about MD and PipJet…

With MD I always had a standard account. Last month the standard account was changed to a ECN account (FinFX)

after that I had a BE with PipJet at my live account and at the same trade I had a big lost 29pips or so at my demo account. the difference is that my demo account is NOT an ECN account. That means that the spread is +/- once so big…

Well the ECN account was saving me with that negative PipJet trade (at my demo account). As we look to the difference then the spread made all the difference between a big lose and a BreakEven.
In the past I also had such a trade with MD… some people had a BE and other had a big lose…

So my conclusion is that an ECN account can save you in case a trade is ended close at BE or a BIG lose!! Because MD or Pipjet want to Close a trade at BE if a trade goes against you. So if you need to overcome a bigger spread (when you not using a ECN account) … you have a disadvantage here!!

My advise…an ECN account has more posibillitys to get a better result (ofcourse never believe the trading accounts by the creators…they are always better (in mine opinion) !!!

I try to explain why I’m not believing the MD traing report…

But be carefull(!) I DO think MD is a real good EA. it can give you real performance of your account, but just not as they promise… So what I’m writing is what I saw!! not more and not less…

I noticed an interesting trade at MD… Indeed it was real time and saw it happend at that time…

Look at de MD site at the live performing!

for example:
at 2012.01.03 00:21 they had a real big lost (41,3 pips!) …I had a lost of -45.8pips at that trade!!
a few days later …
at 2012.01.12 23:57 they recovered completely a real winning trade for 19,5 pips. With the recovery mode they recovered nicely!!

But I thought the max. TakeProfit for strategy2 is +/- 10 pips… so that means they had a slipping of 9,5pips
Ofcourse it can…but it’s a lot I believet. At the same time I remember that my FinFX account never…never reached that price (1.28343) at my FinFX account, not at all!!

Well MD reported real time a winning trade of 19,5 pips and that just after after 3 minuts(!)
I reported that day a winning trade of 12,8 pips after 1 hour
When you look at they reported:
TRADE DETAILS: Open Close Profit

MB Trading S1 Buy: 16.40.08 1.28176 18.26.44 1.28179 0.3 pips
S2 Buy: 17.47.25 1.28145 18.48.00 1.28216 7.1 pips

GO Markets S1 Buy: 23.43.09 1.28164 1.26.08 1.28172 0.8 pips

InterbankFx S1 Buy: 22.47.12 1.28117 23.45.31 1.28216 9.9 pips

InterbankFx AU S1 Buy: 22.47.12 1.28117 23.45.31 1.28216 9.9 pips

FxPro S2 Buy: 0.00.29 1.28134 1.02.05 1.28174 4.0 pips
S1 Buy: 0.00.55 1.28119 1.22.36 1.28173 5.4 pips

AxiTrader S1 Buy: 23.43.08 1.28163 1.26.26 1.28180 1.7 pips
S2 Buy: 0.47.18 1.28087 1.47.20 1.28212 12.5 pips

FxSol S2 Buy: 17.01.31 1.28150 18.22.32 1.28160 1.0 pips

at MD the trade was started at 1.28148 and closed by 1.28343
at My account the trade was started at 1.28085 and closed by 1.28208
Well my conclusion:
-MD reported 19,5 pips
-all the other accounts reported max. 12,8 pips not close to 19,5pips

-MD reported a winn after 3 minutes (it need to say…it was a very short spike at that time… but not as big as MD reported.
-all the other accounts reported a winning trade after 1 hour

-I never saw the price reaches the prise MD reported at that time.

So the only way to win like MD did at that trade is slippping…

Well never had that of slipping in a MD trade. But oke…it can… and they have an ECN account (I hadn’t at that time!)

But Oke…I’m not saying that or Pipjet or MD is a bad EA. I only say…don’t believe all the reports at what you see… so every account and trade is different!!

The day output pipjet I have 6 trades all positive and I have a + 14.8 pips.
I am happy!

Yesterday at the PipJet EA RemoteSafety was activated by the MegaDroid team!

So I had no trades yesterday…