Metatrader 4 email


I am trying to setup email on metatrader 4 but I get this error message:

2010.01.12 01:14:21 Mail: 553 Sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list.

I am using email provided by GoDaddy (doh!)

I haven’t heard of anybody using this service before so I don’t know what the error means. Try GMX, it worked for me and lots of others and its free. There are lots of threads on the subject if you get stuck.


I just signed up to GMX and now I get an error saying

“Not enough space for Test message”

I have not seen that message before. Are you getting the error when pressing the “Test” button or from the application’s SendMail function? Are there any other messages preceeding it?

Are you using Godaddy’s specific SMTP settings? They possibly could vary from any existing domain you have with them.

Just thought of something else - close your MT4 platform and logon again and rerun your test.

Thanks this has worked!! :wink: