Might not moon after all </3

Tbh, my interest in BTC sort of regained when I read recent updates about its rally. :open_mouth: But I’m not so sure about this anymore. :confused:

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Hahaha. We can’t be hot, cold, hot, cold. Either we are taking the trade, or we’re not. Choose a side. Standing in the middle will get us squashed like grapes!

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HAVE FAITH! #hodl4ever


Story of my life. :sweat_smile: But if you don’t mind, where do you currently stand regarding BTC and crypto in general? :thinking:

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Frankly, I’m not focused on it at all. My focus is on trading. If BTC recovers, great. If not, whatever. I’m still holding, but I pretty much forgot about it. I don’t think about it at all.

I do think there is a place for it in the future. But will that actually happen? I’m not holding my breath. It would be foolish of me to sit here doing nothing while waiting for BTC to hit $70k again.

hahahaha good one! I guess that’s me, pretty much.

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Yup same. I think there’s a lot of us out there.

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HAHAHA. How long have you been hodling?! :sweat_smile:

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Ooooh. :thinking: What do you think could convince you that it’s time to stop HODLing? :thinking:

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Since 2017 LOL


Nothing. Holding means holding. It can go to $0 for all I care.

I’ll sell once I turn a profit.

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OMG Hahaha. I’m not sure I even knew what BTC was back then. :sweat_smile: But kudos to your patience! :smiley:

Is it patience or stupidity lol

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Oooop. :eyes: Hahaha. I guess that’s for us to find out in the coming weeks or months! It’s only stupidity if it does not lead to anything. :sweat_smile:

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I’ll die before I find out :laughing:

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just don’t end up like this guy

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Geez. That’s like the definition of insanity right there

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Proud to say we’re still vvv far from ending up like this guy. :sweat_smile: :pray:

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