Hello, New to this forum, not fully new to trading. I don’t care for talking about myself so I’ll keep this short. I work with tires, maintaining large fleets containing a few thousand units. Currently, I am located in the Refrigerated trailer section, so chances are if you have bought something cold at the supermarket, I handled the tires on the trailer that brought it there! This amuses me, it’s one of the reasons I love my job. Unfortunately, I could always use more income (couldn’t we all!) I have been learning, and trading for almost 2 years, but my account is exactly where I started from. I have made many winning trades, but I always give it back to the market, sometimes with interest! That’s what brings me here, I like the educational resources they provide. I hope to use it and this forum to become more successful at trading, and if I can also help others in the process, I’d consider that a great Win/Win I have not been sticking to a trading plan, so I know that is something I need to work on. As well as position sizing, lol, I could just say that I need to work on “Everything” and it would be a lot quicker. However, I feel that I have rambled on enough, I look forward to speaking with y’all.
Welcome @Durandune! How long have you been trading? I’m sure we could also learn something new from you. Excited to see what you have to share!
Hey Tire man …
Nice to have you around here… its always nice having someone who’s spent some real time on real charts haha…
Feel free to roam around here… a lot of surprises hiding around. The school of pipsology is also a good place to start for information on your trading plan.
Look forward to seeing more of you around @Durandune.
Hey @ria_rose… how’s the new trading journal going for ya ?
Welcome Mike C and thank you for sharing something about yourself! You’ll definitely learn from the experienced traders here in the forum! I’m also looking forward to learn from you so I hope you’ll stick around!