MoneyNVRSleeps 5% a day Money Mangement Plan

To be honest I find it hard to believe that anyone with 20000 hours of chart time would be prepared to risk 50% on one trade. New traders should be very wary of this thread. There is no holy grail except proper money management and 50% per trade certainly does not fall under that category

Seems like this thread is slowing down? Money, you still there?
I was reading a number of post here and there.
I was just wondering, from where you started from 2012 until now, have you hit it big? or have any obstacles blocked your path, temporarily of course. I saw you started another account, why is that?
Idk if I will find answers in your previous post, but I will be reading through this thread when I can, was just wondering if there is anything else up.

Hope all is well and your goal of speaking with Trump is reached.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, Where do I start.

Its been a rough 6 months.

Im not rich, wealthy, and really, In worse shape then I was 6 months ago.

QuickPip, I owe you one brother,

Failure, after failure, after failure.

Tragedy struck my life, with a heavy hammer, to say the least. My mom passed from Cancer May 21st. My wife and I have been caring for her around the clock since Feb. My wife had to quit her job, because I just couldnt do it alone, and tend to my kids around the clock. It was horrible. Lets just say, she didnt go peacefully, and My wife and I are traumatized by it all to be honest. Im heart Broken, wore out, cryd out, and really, Having a hard time with it. She was told she had cancer 4 times, and told she didnt 3 times in 1.5 years time. She went thru multiple surgeries to have different problems fixed, and it really made hell out of the time she had left. She definitely went thru hell, to get to heaven, and still, was not ready to go. How do you possibly comfort someone who knows the clock is ticking down? You just cant. It was horrible. I hugged and held her more in 4 months, then I did in 40 years. It literally broke us down. I could potentially sue for some things that happened in the timeline, but why? Money? Not worth the reminiscence of it all. It was that bad.

You know the saying, when it rains, it pours, only its not a steady rain, its a freakin hurricane.

Im still trading, Im still stupid, but less stupid today then yesterday. Im still broke, I see no silver Lining, Im walking a foggy path, and all I have to get away from it, is trading.

Hug your kids, hug your loved ones, have patience, and most of all, Love time, for it may be eliminated from your clock, at any second.

Todays stats,

11.6% gain
8-1 ( 0.1 pip loss)

Still have WTH moments, but are fewer between, and instead of trade streaks, Im putting together day streaks. Still have to get better,

You want to talk psychological interferences, come at me Bro.

Feel for you buddy, I went thru similar with my Father-in-law years ago and its horrible.
Take care of yourself and your family

Hey eddieb, thank You Man, much appreciated. Every day she looked forward to my trading report, even tho it wasnt out of this world, she still smiled and told me great job.

Now I have to make her continue to smile from above, make her proud thru all this.

Great pips to you Eddieb!

Sorry for your loss Money…

Thank You Tygma, Great pips to you!

Sorry to hear about your mother, Money. Cancer is cruel.

I think your a bit crazy but then the all poker players I used to really look up to (the really big winners) were all hella crazy. Maybe you need a bit of that to knock it out of the park in things of this nature. You’re certainly not doing any worse than me on the trading front anyway.

Sorry to hear about your loss. Wishing all the best for you and your family.

If there’s anyone I’ve encountered on trading sites that I want to make it it’s you.

Kevin, Thanks Bud, Yes it is… I actually lost my uncle from it too like 4 months ago also. My mom and him used to go to chemo together, SMH.

Thank You Slipp,…

My theory is, if your going to trade, then freakin trade. Its mind bogglin that I see traders baggin 100’s of pips a day, and end up making .03% profit. Isnt this type of investment all about not risky money you cant afford to lose? Some say Forex wont go away, but what if it does? What if the USD is disolved? What IF we had just 1 currency? it could happen, and it could allllll be gone like a snap of the finger. Take advantage of your edge, or your luck, or your whatever gets the pips, and go Ball out. You know why they dont play the game like that? Because some use 150 pip stops, and that lose is nothing while using 2% of your bankroll. Its plainly a protection of lack of skill or freight, and being scared to risk, the very thing that should be of little value in the first place.

Pay absolutely no attention to anything I say. This is just my feelings toward this type of Investment. Yes, its a get rich quick scheme, or a gambling endeavor, or a Hobby if you want to call it that. But in an atmosphere where you dont know where the price is going, you ARE just throwing darts. Because if you did know where the price was going, and you knew that path from A- to B was direct, why bullsht the game and your account, and intelligence, and GET IT DONE, AND GET RICH NOWWWWW!!!

Sorry, I havent had a wind up in months.

At the end of the day, dont short change your skill, or your bankroll, and use both to your advantage, simultaneously. - MoneyNVRSleeps

45 degree angle is magical,

Anyone get a piece of that 200 pip short on NZD/USD at 17:00?

Goodness, made me want to take a look at this pair. First time ever, Made 15.2% in the last 85 minutes, and slacked on one trade that I Trailed and got cut short of another 5%.


Oh, and like to add, Im testing my strat on Demo with this pair, since I never traded it before. Did however rake in 9% real account on USD/CAD, which has been my primary pair the past 3 months.

I think I might be able to clear 25% a day on this NZD/USD pair. Took 4 trades, all wins, with an 14% gain so far.

Going to put it alllll together this weekend, draw out my plan on paper, laminate them, get them on the wall, and this ball rolling, finally.

Should be fun!!

On the demo, I went 14-0 and had a 17% gain, then went live.

Best of luck :slight_smile:

Money, you are going into a place that not many traders get to go.

Mark Douglas wrote an entire book about it and still didn’t really get the message across.

You mention darts, not really my game, but I used to play pool. Some nights I could do no wrong, I could see the ball fall into the pocket long before I’d take the shot - that’s the time to load up - when there’s zero doubt.

Your positive attitude does my heart good, many thanks for posting.

Hey Money,

Even though I never visit these forums anymore and have long since continued on my individual forex journey, whenever I do I come to your thread to see that you are still alive and struggling.

don’t give up, keep strong, and know that there are people like me that are continuously hoping for your success.

Pink Floyd puts me in a zone.

The music digs out perspective thoughts, the lyrics are powerful, if you havent listen to them, at least in my world.

Time= Urgency
Money= Goal
Have a Cigar= Accomplishment