Monthly Profit Calculator UPDATES!

Hello, so the other day I posted my monthly expectancy profit calculator and although it was accurate and easy to use, I felt as if I was witholding alot of the information the calculator is using in the background to do all the calculations. So, in order to give more transparancy and give the user as much information as humanly possible I updated the calculator to tell you a few extra things including:

  • Max Margin Available

  • Leverage Used

  • Average Reward

  • Average Risk

  • Loss Rate

  • Pip Value

I’m sure you all know what these mean but just in case:

  • Max Margin Available: Max amount of leverage available to use based off of 50x leverage

  • Leverage Used: Amount of leverage used per trade

  • Average Reward: take profit amount in $

  • Average Risk: Stop loss amount in $

  • Loss Rate: Loss percentage

  • Pip Value: $ amount of each pip individually (Rounded)

I will add an option to change the amount of margin allowed because some pairs only have 50x where others have 25x etc etc. Hopefully you find it useful! I’ll update this post whenever I change things. Please feel free to leave feedback :slight_smile:



5/12/2019 UPDATES:

Added the ability to switch from expected monthly profit to expected yearly profit.

Wow, I think I need to take the time to research initital tool and original post, but it’s way better that someone took the time and developed all this here basically. Have you developed it all by yourself or by using something from UCALC and just customize it ?

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I don’t know coding whatsoever :stuck_out_tongue: So UCALC made something like this relatively simple and easy. Took a little but to punch in all the calculations but for the most part it was done quickly. Honestly, anyone could of done it themselves if they wanted too. Hopefully for anyone who didnt want to or generally dont know how too, found this helpful.