Motivated by money

On of the chance that a trader is persuaded by the cash or money, at that point, it is the wrong reason. A genuinely effective trader must be included an into the trading, the cash is the side issue! The chief inspiration isn’t the trappings of progress. It’s typically the side effect basically expressed, ‘the diversion’s the thing’. Roused by the cash is it truly terrible? I thought we as a whole are here to win or profit. To get settled life and future, would it say it isn’t?

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I think you have a point.

The goal is to make money, but I think you need to have a passion for trading in order to endure the hardships and eventually have success.

If you dont love to trade, its impossible to be successful in the long term imo


@PanchoVilla84, Thanks for replying. You are also right. I need to have a passion and determination to do hard work. Otherwise staying long term in forex market it is really impossible.

Greed is a truly bad adviser in trading. It’s not horrible to be roused by the cash but I think that in order to succeed a trader needs to be driven mostly by the passion and the challenging side of trading. So I agree with PanchoVilla84 that you could not be profitable in the long term if you don’t like to trade. As I’ve said many times, this business is not for everyone so you need to be prepared for the ups and downs which are an inevitable part. That is why I think that greed and unstable emotions should be avoided if possible at any cost.

It’s true. Unfortunately, it’s not relevant nowadays cause traders are only looking for money.