Motivation for new traders

This post is going to annoy some of my veteran friends but it has to be said.
There is more than one way to approach this business of trading. Experiment. For example you dont need to blindly follow the herd and go after 50 plus pips per trade. Three and even two pips per trade are quite fine as you perfect your craft over time. Ignore people who tell you that if you start with just $100 you will blow your account. Having a goal of just fifty cents per trade is good too. And for those who tell you that 1% PER MONTH is acceptable go ahead and work out the percentage going on in the chart below and draw your own conclusions. That is not a demo account by the way, lol.
When you see small amounts like that 29 cents thats just me trying to round up my account balance to the nearest dollar. And most importantly…Dont try this at home!!!


“And most importantly…Dont try this at home!!!”


Please don’t mind, showing result isn’t the right way I think! You can share your challenges part of trading & how you overcame!


I have to agree. It is always very relevant and just as motivational to understand how another trader overcame obstacles and challenges to succeed.

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Had I come here and didnt show that screenshot but just said my aim is to motivate fellow new traders and that in 2 trading days on a $100 account I have zero losses and my returns are over 100% and that they too can do it I am sure I would be accused of boasting and gaslighting and a host of other things as has been said in the past. Never mind the FACT that those finding fault and criticizing will never put up anything by which their proficiency could be assessed or compared. Incredible. This is why the way I live my life I dont try to please people I please myself.
What I find disappointing especially on here is that the majority of persons want to be spoon fed. Some of the questions I see being asked are so basic at times I just have to shake my head in wonder. Just a 2 minute search on this very website would have provided the answer. ANYBODY who was genuinely interested in knowing what I do or how I do what I do all you had to do was go back and read my previous posts…but I guess that is too difficult for most. When I say I wish I had a mentor when I was starting out people on here give one million reasons why a mentor is not necessary. What they are doing is moving the goal posts because I have never claimed a mentor was necessary. What I have always said is that having a mentor will save you a ton of time, money, and anguish. These people dont even understand that asking me to spell out everything I do is essentially asking me to be their mentor. in my next post I will compile a list of some youtube videos which I believe will help in improving the fortunes of new traders.


Hope I can trade like that someday! I’m new to trading, there is so much to learn and it’s kinda overwhelming, indicators…chart patterns… candle sticks… etc… but heyy one step at a time ., haven’t finish the “School of Pipsology” here I’m currently at the summer school portion…

My socials skills are not good (introvert here), so getting a mentor is not on my list :sweat_smile: … but uhmn any books… strategies you can recommend?

Reading good books and watching motivational videos along with good practice of forex trading automatically gives sense of motivation.

motivational videos work for very short time , i don’t like this approach at all. but i like to keep practicing for all time while training.

So true, we can always learn from the experience of others in the market. We shouldn’t have to repeat same mistakes.