Motivation to stay patiant for a few years!

Incase any other beginners here are interested I just created a calculator to see how much you can earn from forex depending on different factors.
There are 4 questions that you fill in to the calculator:

  1. Beginning investment capital
  2. Your ROI per month
  3. How many years will you trade?
  4. How much money you will addon to your investment capital every month from your day job?

So for example if you begin with $500, a ROI of 5% and trade for 1 year and addon $100 every month then the result from my calculator shows:

Month 12 result is a profit of 113.79. You also addon $100 to your capital making the new capital a total of 2489.64. 1700 is the amount you have deposited to the count making your total profits from trading 790

If we do 3 years it’s:

Month 36 result is a profit of 589.50. You also addon $100 to your capital making the new capital a total of 12479.54. 4100 is the amount you have deposited to the count making your total profits from trading 8380

So as you can see, after 3 years of getting 5% roi every moth you have trippled (300%!!) the amount you should of having saved up ($4k) if you didn’t do any forex trading… instead you have $12k because you’ve been trading and achieving a constant 5% roi over 3 years.
But still… $8k for 3 years work is not much on the other hand… wish we had more money to trade with… let’s do this again pretending you have a much better job allowing you to start off with $1k and addon $500 every month…

Month 36 result is a profit of 2533.81. You also addon $500 to your capital making the new capital a total of 53709.98. 19000 is the amount you have deposited to the count making your total profits from trading 34710

Oh hell yeah!! $2.5k profit for month 36… this is what I would consider an income you can live a decent down to earth life off solely from trading, wouldn’t you say so? :slight_smile:
So “all” you gotta do is addon $500 to your account every month and after 3 years of making 5% roi every month you will be able to quit your job :slight_smile: (although I would recommend to keep addon for at least another year because then…

Month 48 result is a profit of 4948.28. You also addon $500 to your capital making the new capital a total of 104413.97. 25000 is the amount you have deposited to the count making your total profits from trading 79414

Hallelujahh!! $5k monthly income off forex trading :slight_smile:
Now you can quit your job and addon for example $2k off the $5k monthly profits and use the other $3k to enjoy life without a boss!!

For fun, lets start the calculator at the last result so we begin with $105k capital and addon $1k every month for 1 year:

Month 12 result is a profit of 9689.62. You also addon $1000 to your capital making the new capital a total of 204482.04. 117000 is the amount you have deposited to the count making your total profits from trading 87482

Holy crap! that’s almost $10k profit every month!! :smiley:

and hey, all this was done with 5% monthly roi… I don’t really know what is possible but I keep hearing about these traders making 20% roi every month… :wink:

I did the same exercise before I ever went live with an account. Start looking out even further into the future and you will be a millionaire in 10 years! It’s fun and exciting to look at all the great things compound interest can do for you.

Quick advice: Don’t expect 5% ROI from day one. Yes it is achievable, but limit your expectations until you see those consistent returns. Also don’t forget that you are in this for the long haul. If you want trading to replace your job you had better treat it like a job and take it seriously. It is work. Never stop learning.

Nice bro. You can use a calculator. Focusing on the profits equals blown account. Focus on the process and be happy with what the markets give you back.

Money is not math, math is not money.

I do not think with calculations you can get exact result as you will be millionaire or billionaire in some years. It depends on your experience and successful trading , you need patience and regular work after it earning is possible.

I very much agree with you on that. What you can do on paper and in demo is not what you will do in live.

Forex trading is a game of patience , you have to wait for few time so that you get in a position to earn continuously.