Motivational books worth reading

Good day, here with two books I think are worth the read :+1:
They are self explanatory, and I highly recommend reading them. If you’ve heard of the book “The Secret”, these are very similar but more profound
[b]Mind Power Into The 21st Century by John Kehoe[/b]

[b]The Power Of The Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy[/b]

Neuro Linguistic Programming has it’s place and there are many classic motivational books using the same principle.

(The brain cannot differentiate between reality and a strongly held belief, so if you imagine the result hard enough and long enough, the subconscious (Child) part of the brain will find a way of achieving it. )

[There I just saved you the money ! :wink: ]

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Thanks for sharing these @JoshRSA! :smiley: I always appreciate good and free reading materials. :joy: :blush:

Indeed @Falstaff. For those who prefer to get scientific. But word on the street is that the above mentioned books are much preferred terms than “Neuro Linguistic Programming” It should be noted that there needs to be a physical and mental balance of the body. One cannot perform “Neuro Linguistic Programming” if they are generally negative and/or unhealthy in life, no matter how hard or long they try, unless they are hooked on a Neuro Linguistic machine
The books, which can be found free on the internet, explain Neuro Linguistic Programming in a scientific friendly manner :slight_smile:

Humble regards

I’ve read “The Secret” and really liked it. Thanks for sharing these books with us @JoshRSA. Hopefully I find time to at least look into them. :slight_smile:

@Falstaff I actually picked up your other recommendation (Games People Play) - currently reading it with other books I have! Very interesting!

Another good book is The Power of Habits by Charles Duhigg.

@JoshRSA Which of the two would you recommend to read first?

@purtle I prefer the one by Dr Joseph Murphy because it is more in depth

Did you start seeing some of the people around you in a different light yet ? :wink:

Berne’s Transactional Analysis is the grounding for NLP and also Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

Yes! Makes you a bit more cautious for sure. Will let you know once I’m done! Thanks for the recommendation!

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants
by Malcolm Gladwell

“But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” - 1 Samuel 16:7

“The power of subconscious mind” is actually worth to read.

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I like The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I find it both motivational and inspirational at the same time :blush:

I do not know why but I never read the whole book as I found it really boring. I tried to read The Alchemist which is really an amazing motivational book but I could not finish it. The much I read was the masterclass and I would recommend you people to read it as well. Stay blessed!

I think I have this book in the trunk of my car from a few years back smh I’ll dig through my trunk to make sure it’s still there, but I’ll definitely check this one out

I am not a book lover but I am a huge reader of the articles. I recently went through some quotes from the book “The Alchemist”. I thought it might be a book related to the science and chemistry. When I went deep then I came to know that it is the best motivational book. I would recommend you people to read it!

The Alchemist was an inspirational book to read too, it is a good illustration of the two above mentioned books