Moving averages used as a trading strategy

I have 7 years of forex trading experience, and after trying a lot of strategies and using just about every indicator, I have come up with this strategy, which, as you see below, is so simple and easy to understand and use; even my wife trades successfully with it, and she’s blonde


I’m afraid I can’t see the details of the strategy you refer to.

?please check you omitted some text or a picture?

verry sory it was my first post hear the picture will be upladed shortly how do i upload images

lucky with a blond wife, and about MA strategy, I have heard that indicators are no useful but i seen a trader that trades with MA cross over only and is successful. I am not sure which one of the two to believe.

This could be the best or worse strategy ever. Can you show us some of the results you have had with this?

I actually think multiple time frame MA based strategies work just fine.

MA crossovers get you into positions which are usually trend-following. But they don’t get you in at the best price, they don’t suggest a stop-loss level, they don’t suggest a TP level, they don’t suggest a pyramiding opportunity, they don’t point to a confirmation rule, the timing of the crossover is random and the crossover point is irrelevant to the price action immediately before meaning that a fake or failed with-trend move is more probable.

They are a pretty poor way of getting into a trend and there are better methods available.

you are perfectly corect to use this stratergy more info is needed to clear up the buyin and take profet points to set these i use three time frames with the same moving average set up the buy in point is set on the lower time frame with the stop loss just below the cross over line and the take profet is left open and this is monatered on the higer time frames the stop loss is moved to just above brake even and the trade is alowed to run on the higer time frames to be sucessfull all the linew musr go in the same direction this stratergy has worked for me for over two years noww