[MQL4 CODING] Target Revenue in Percentage using Account Balance and Equity


I am adding new feature in my EA, which close trade automatically when it fulfilled defined earning set by user and than it redefine with value again with new Account balance.

Example :

Account Balance = $1000

Target Percentage = 10% (10% of 1000$ = $100)

When Account balance is above $1100, close all the running trade whether it in positive or negative. Than it start again but now the Account balance is $1100 and 10% targeted percentage is $110. and it keep repeating.

To do this, i am trying like :

extern double Target_Percentage = 10;

double target_profits = AccountBalance() * (Target_Percentage * 0.01); //Calculating in Percentage

static double target_Capital = AccountBalance() + target_profits;  //Setting the value in static so it will not change on every tick. 

if(AccountEquity() >= target_Capital) { //Comparing Account Equity with total targeted revenue i need. 

Print("All the trade has been successfully closed as it reached Targeted Capital requirement and targeted capital redjusted automatically to new value based on new capital");

The problem is, i do not know how i can set new value to the static double target_Capital . If it static it value will be remained unchanged but i want to redefine static target_capital to new value ones it fulfilled previous targeted percentage requirement.