
Hi Guys and Gals.

My name is Rob. I live in Wellington, New Zealand. I am new to trading and was put onto Babypips by AFB FX.
It’s great being able to learn so much at my own pace and test my memory (read as lost a few braincells due to parties over the years) with the tests. Am currently trading a demo account with early regular success.Have been able to double my demo account in 4 wks, using a set of my own rules.
Look forward to learning and making some money in the not to distant future.

PS. Didn’t know what I was really doing but lady luck must have been on my side initially as trading in Jan was a mess.:o:17:

PPS- June 2013 update- Have been trialling Daily time frames, multiple pairs, different S/L and T/P levels with and without technical indicators. Two combinations in particular are providing early success.

Opened live acc with Pepperstone in Jan 2014. Made 2% for month trading PA with S/R on D1 and D4. Had banked more but lost it back as I did not follow own rules. Who’s a naughty boy then!!!