Mt4 and MT5 charts Discrepency

Can anyone explain why MT4 and MT5 charts show different price bars ???


This is MT4

And this MT5

Zoom into 1HR



Surely they should show the same price feed as there both off same broker IC

This is just one example there are more…

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Could it be different server speeds?

I don’t see how because if I was to download mt4 / mt5 today it would display the price history no matter what the speed was…!!

MT4 Hi and Low

MT5 Hi and Low

The high and low should be the same no matter what the connection speed is…

Also Notice the high and Low are at different times…!!!
Both MT4 and MT5 are 2hours in front of my time UK.

MT4 Hi Low Time:

MT5 Hi Low Time:


I think more likely the server speed itself, not your connection speed to the server. If one server runs faster, it might see very fast moves that the other server doesn’t.

I can’t see what that has to do with it !

The highest price and lowest price would be the same on both platforms no matter what the speed, and the slower server should still show this even if it was seconds later.

Otherwise its not showing the client the true Price.

This will be yelled down by the true believers

There is no set prices on forex pairs… open any Forex CFD pair on 4 different Broker platforms (same timeframe) at any given time and they will all differ by 0.2 to 3 pips… your Broker is never showing you the true price… They don’t provide you pure Interbank market data feed. All ticks you get on your platform are filtered out. So they can filter it how they want… YouTube Example.
It is reason why brokers have different price and data feed. They cannot move their price to far from a pairs nominal value or the arbitrage crowd will eat them for breakfast…

Especially on the Low timeframes ie: 5mins and down… I have wasted many a post pointing out Broker Price discrepancies here on Babypips.

Retail traders are trading against a computer generated algorithm… your Broker flexes their price 2 ways… by widening and thinning spreads at critical levels, or by spiking price to high or lower levels. Your Brokers feed is moved to a price that will garnish the most profit from their client’s open positions…

@A1lenTrader, I’d say in your example the least profitable Client positions on MT5 differs from MT4.

How do I know this?.. I developed an Indicator that can overlay price feeds (MTF) from various Broker feeds onto a single chart… Anyone that pays any attention would have seen me mention certain aspects of this in previous posts…


@Trendswithbenefits Ok thanks for that I did suspect this but thought it would be a bit more subtle as there is an obvious difference in both time and price in my example.

I was aware of different brokers prices but didn’t realise The same broker would give different price on MT4 than MT5.

also I was aware they aren’t offering the true interbank prices I just thought they would offer the same price on the same account on all there platforms,

But thanks for clearing that up.


How do I beat the whole scam?

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Hi, you can use higher time frames. Regards Greg

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