MT4 candlesticks

on MT4, sometimes the close price of a candle isn’t matched by the open/close price of the other. how do you correct this? for example, you get candles that start up like 3 pips above the close price of the previous candle. also, i’m getting lots of random dojis and sometimes just horizontal lines! is this normal or is there a fix?


Are you sure you are factoring the spread correctly? Are the 3 pips the same for all pairs or do they change for each?

i’ve attached a picture of the chart. is this normal? as you can see, the candles start at pretty random places.

also, in the second chart, you can see random horizontal lines. what’s that about? is it the feed or what?

yeah, it doesn’t sound right… sorry but it’s not happening with me. What OS are you using? Windows?

i’m using windows xp. every other charting software works 100% fine. it’s just MetaTrader that i have a problem with. does yours work correctly with any feed? (i’m using the alpari-UK feed.)

Thats normal, nothing to worry about execpt for the horizantal lines. Could you post a picture. Also what you can do is install mt4 from another broker and compare the two.

there are 2 pictures on the 3rd post (my 2nd one on this thread).

Ok. I check the pics, thats normal, its because of the small time frames.

but the candles look perfect on fxcm, xtick and even OANDA’s charts.