MT4 data feed got blocked by my company

my company dunno employ what fortiguard or websense, now i cant even login into my account during the day.

anyone experience the same problem as mine?
how to bypass it? i go to 'tool >>enable proxy server ’ and it doesnt help also.

u all trade from home? no one trade from office? no one experience problem like this?

its queer, i can log into interbankfx and northfinance website via IE, but why the MT4 cant? where does it get the data feed?

MT4 cant? where does it get the data feed?

Which broker have you got it connected to?

Another option would be to setup VNC on your home computer then you can VNC to your home computer from work or any where.

If you duno what VNC is google it or check out

TightVNC: VNC-Based Free Remote Control Solution


While looking at interbankfx site I noticed that they have a support
line, have you tried this to see if they can help?

Did MT4 work at the office in the past?

I know it seems a stupid question but have you downloaded
MT4 to your office computer as well as at home?

I also know I am clutching at straws here but I was hoping
somebody with more knowledge than myself on MT4, would have
attempted an answer here too.

yes, it works in the past.

It’s probably exactly as you said, they’ve blocked traffic to / from the Metaquotes server (, nothing you’ll be able to do about that unfortunately. Try using Oanda charts instead.

Hi Woopypooky
I had the same problem too. I’m using MT4 through Solid Gold and initially couldn’t get it working. My problem was resolved by enabling the proxy server and entering the server details, Username and password. Are you sure you entered the correct proxy information as my username part of these settings included additional info. ie DomainName\username

good luck

no, i just put enabling proxy server. how to get server details? ask my company technician? or u mean metaquotes server details?

i find using oanda very hard. i still liked MT4. and all my indicators are in .mq4 form.

i was thinking is there any place to download metaquotes data (via Internet Explorer) and then paste to the software to manually update the price? but oh, like that i cant execute trade also.:frowning:

Hi Woopypooky
You will need to have a word with one of your friendly company techy guys to help you set this up. He will be able to give you your company server name and port details as well as help you with the user name etc.
