I’m looking for a way to draw a simple line on MT4 chart. The only line tools I have available are trendlines, but I’d like to draw a short line segment denoting something on my charts (i.e. from point A to point B). Any ideas what’s out there?
I use the trendline drawing tool and it works great for that. The only thing is if you want an arrow, you need to draw 2 more short trendlines to go with it. My pink lines show how I use it. Otherwise, no there isn’t anything else you could use in Mt4.
Alternatively, you can save the chart to a file and open it in some graphics program, like Paint, and mark it up there.
My trendline drawing tool on MT4 spans the entire screen from the point I plot it – how do make a “short” trendline like you have done?
Double click on the line to select it. Then right click on it to open the trendline properties. I’m at work now so dont have MT4 in front of me, but look on one of the tabs for a “Ray” checkbox, and make sure it’s unchecked. It should then default that way for any subsequent trendlines you draw.
so helpful, thanks once again Sweet, that worked.
Wooooo thank you it works for me i very very happy as you said i draw a line than double clicked on it than i clicked right button as you said in that i gone trend line proprieties and un checked ray thats it
trend line > double click on trend line > right click > trend line proprieties > un check ray > ok