MT4 Save Issue

Hi everyone.

I’ll try to keep to the point, and keep my post short.

I’m attempting to save an analysis (retracements and trendline objects.) My understanding is that I can save a chart as a template, and then save multiple charts with their CURRENT templates as a profile.

As it stands, when I go to load the profile, my TEMPLATES are overwritten, by what I believe to be a default setting. Has anyone had this problem, or have a solution to present?

Thanks in advance.

To further clarify, If I draw an object such as a trendline, and proceed to save the profile, upon re-opening the profile, my trend line is gone.

So this issue was resolved in another forum. If you are having trouble with profiles saving objects, you could have an indicator that is deleting objects when it is unloaded. The solution is to identify the indicator causing the problem, and open it in the mql editor, and delete the parameter that is “delete objects” Hopefully this will be helpful to some.