MT4 Set-up Help

Why does MT4 show so many digits down the right hand side (price).

Is there a setting within MT4 that you can change to round this price up?

(e.g GBP/USD - 1.69306 - 1.69342) want it to read (1.6930 - 1.6934), want to remove the last digit.

Thanks again,


The answer is that you’ve downloaded MT4 from a broker who uses fifth decimal price quotes, the last digit is sometimes called a pipette.

Fifth decimal seems to be where all brokers are going, so I guess you’ll just have to live with it. As far as I know there’s no way to hide the pipette or round it up/down.

Btw, Interbank FX still use just four decimals.

Not sure how long that will last, but for now they could be an option for you