Mt4 + web + paypal


I am looking for a reputable broker which supports mt4 platform, has a mobile (wap) platform and accepts deposits (instantly) via paypal.

Must have a good history and be regulated.


I think AvaFX covers all your prerequisites.


Thank you for your response.

Most brokers provide a seperate account for mt4 support.

Is there any broker that has both mt4 and web support in one account?


What is your objective? Do you desire to have more mobility and flexibility with MT4?


A broker that provides metatrader 4 and a mobile platform via wap would be even better.

My phone does not support Metatrader Mobile.


If you want to be a mobile trader than you will have to make some adjustments
This will require you to purchase the tools needed to satisfy your intended goal. I use my phone as well as a netbook to satisfy my mobility needs.


I just want to use my mobile to keep an eye on trades which I have already opened through my computer.

I have seen a few brokers offering wap platforms however I would also like metatrader 4.

You’ll need a windows mobile or android device to use Metatrader 4 from a mobile phone

You have misunderstood me.

I would like a broker which has a WAP platform which I can monitor my trades on my phone and metatrader 4 which I would like to use whilst on the computer/netbook.


Oanda I believe has a WAP platform. Try going to on your phone and see what you come up with.


They don’t support metatrader 4 :frowning:


If you plan to run Metatrader 4 off a netbook, than it doesn’t matter. I place my trades with Oanda, however chart on a Metatrader 4 demo account provided by FXDD.


I just spoke to them and i dont like their withdrawal process :frowning:

What else is out there

Nothing. You’re requesting something that does not exist. Furthermore, Oanda’s withdrawal process is hassle free. If you’re not going to like their process, you’re not going to like any other process out there.

Is there such broker that offers those services?