Does anyone have any recommendations for multi terminal trading software? I am looking for software that will allow 8-10 traders to be linked to one account. The biggest hurdle I am wondering about is slippage. When we execute one trade we want all 8-10 teammates to enter/exit at same price using pending orders. Is this actually possible or is slippage inevitable?
Both Metatrader and Oanda can provide you with what you are looking for.
just yesterday i took a tour of the mulitrade terminal on mt4. very interesting and as you said, all trades can be executed at one time for the accounts linked…you can try One financial
I think most work the same, just pick any
It is possible in slippage dude. Consult metatrader this will solve your problem.
I have a software multi account and multi broker.
The free version up to 5 accounts is fully operational and no time limits.
So if you can see what you want.
You are on my website (Trading software )
Thank you.
Multi account terminal helps me a lot managing different account with a single click.