Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading

So we need to do some work on the indicator.

Can’t even get into the chat room at present. Don’t even recognise some of the usernames. Bummer. This thread/chat has become too popular :eek:

Same problem here. I tried when the count was at 26 and was refused. Yet, I tried again and the count had gone to 30. Don’t understand???

But, as you said, maybe it’s getting too popular and strangers are being attracted. Maybe we need to set up a PW to get in? Strangers, generally, wouldn’t know what we are doing, anyway…

I agree with you. Seems like some of the newer people are asking questions rather than read the thread. This tends to slow things down for the rest of us who have been here since the start.

Perhaps we should set up a chat room using a free online chat client.

yea, too many … its like an ants house :rolleyes:
I m getting boring

You mean “You are getting bored” You are certainly never boring RenaLa :slight_smile:

BTW. Keep trying, I just got in. Guess what! Lots of the newcomers not even participating. :frowning: They are just hogging the chairs.

Lets ask Gravition tonight if we can set up a new place as you all have suggested.

I dont think even Grav is on yet so he probably wont be able to get in chatroom either. What a bummer. I was wondering how the cable and Euro should be traded now that they have reached the lows, still look for shorts off the extreme BBs?

Hachiko, I am posting this so I reach #50 just before you do. Hee,Hee:D:D:D

Just had an idea. PM everyone on our thread and have them all jump over to the Boom Boom Room. Will that work long enough for your to get in.

Here are the differences in 1 picture, hope NB can do something about that.

That made me really Laugh Out Loud

OK, guys, I had worked on this last week but it looked like it wouldn’t be needed, as everyone was happy to use the BP chat rooms. However, today we discovered that upwards of 30 people into these rooms closes them off to other entrants.

So I am unveiling…

This chat room has no user limit and also features the ability for any user to create sub-rooms for private chats, start a forex blog, message others outside the chat room, post whiteboard features like charts and screenshots - even upload music to listen to (I got us started with AC/DCs Rock N Roll Train, which is as good a song for forex trading as any)!

I have to give credit to Shr1k, who was the first to work with me on creating chat rooms and whiteboards for our Forex trading. The Ning network I’ve set up for BB DNA is very similar to the one Shr1k set up for another strategy (MMTT).

The network is free to register with and the homepage is here:

Bollinger Band DNA - FOREX Trading using the Tymen Bollinger Band Strategy

The direct link for the chat room (which you can bookmark) is:

Bollinger Band DNA Chat

You can feel free to join us (many are already there) and start your own whiteboards, if you like.

Happy Trading!

		John (Merchantprince)

“Nobody can be exactly like me. Even I have trouble doing it.”

Hey Jack, I spoke with a rep at GFT and they said that they are working on a “position based” system but have no ETA as to it’s release. Until then the above scenerio appears to be what we are stuck with if we are to stay with this platform. That’s a bummer for me as I feel like I will use Graviton’s 5 lot system long term but I really like GFT’s platform…not looking forward to learning another.

do you have first or the second version of NB’s indicator installed in your MT4?

I have closed MT4 deleted all files and then recompiled everything again
but I still getting two warnings :confused:

The warnings can be ignored. It is just looking for a variable definition.

However the bigger problem is that there seems to be a difference in calculation depeneding on broker data feed. I think NB is going to look into it.

That chat room looks great, thanks.

I’ve finally got some time off work now so can participate properly. Looking forward to making some headway/money too!

How are people finding that indicator with alpari UK? It’s running fine on my system, but is it calculating properly (with the 5th digit)?

Is it easy to add pairs to?

Amazing work merchantprince!

And nice new avatar too!

that would be great if he can look into again
but you didnt answer my question

can you please submit indicator that automatically move SL to BE

I have a 2nd version, hence the compilation warning.

The first doesn’t work with IBFX because the pair format for IBFX is GBPUSD not GBP/USD.