Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading

Hi Jack B PIP,
why you so mad about it?

just go to Select symbol then open CDF folder pick the pair from CDF folder
and choose the pair with cdf extension

Now its working fine. I’ll just add my other 10 pairs and recompile.
Thanks Mr Cat

Thanks, appreciate your work

So you made 115 pips total? Hey! That’s great! The 5 lot system may take a bit of practice, but it’s definitely worth it. If you just open a demo and take lots of random trades to practice it and carry them out to completion, you’ll be the expert in no time. If you make 65 pips using regular methods, you should make about 100 using the 5 lot system, with no additional risk to your trading capital. Practice practice.

I have noticed you have a good eye for chart reading. Your pair analysis last weekend was very accurate and detailed. The most important factor for this method to work is to find a pair that is trending well. So you have an advantage on that. Will you help us this weekend? We plan to take one or two pairs each for analysis, then discuss and summarize. There will be an additional twist added in this weekend though. At least one sentence of fundamental analysis will be required. It’s easy, you can copy and past from any Forex website. Plagiarism is encouraged in our analysis :slight_smile:

I did everything, dont work :frowning:

Would you(NorwegianBlue and IronHeart) consider to combine two codes together for one Indicator? ah ?

It should look like this when it is running. (I added another 10 pairs and put it in alphabetical order to fit in with my Oanda trading screens).

All thanks to NorwegianBlue

Oh Graviton, its pleasure to hear :slight_smile:
I wish to help, I really do. More than that I would like to participate
only I need to figure out what I’ll do at 3 pm. I think 3pm its deep night overhere :slight_smile:
btw at 3mp eastern time?

Grav, if you are still a body short I would be available to do trend analysis for a couple pairs, as well. I am working on a laminated chart that I’d like to practice with, using a dry erase marker to fill out TF boxes similar to an Excel spreadsheet.

Looks pretty, instead of it …;

I have only one number “0” for each pair.
The labeled pairs dont have colors, they are in black

Changing the font size in MQ4 to 8 and recompile worked beautifully:)

Do you want my mq4?

it didnt change anything, only labels are now smaller

Is your broker 4 digit, or 5?

I could not read the numbers in front of the (ObjectPair) so I changed the font from 10 to 8, recompiled and voila.:slight_smile:
Looks like everybody has some different problems but then NorwegianBlue did it all for free. Small price to pay. Thanks NB :slight_smile:

Alpari UK is 5 digit

NB, what are you talking about? what is 4 or 5 digit broker? :confused:

what is your code for 4 or for 5.
If you did for 4, then there is no other option then 5
just tell me what should I change please

Darn NB did not think of that, could that also s#$@ up indicator count?

Some brokers have 4 digit behind the main number, some 5, 1.5463 versus 1.54638

Oh, I see
My is 5 digit

Mine is also 5 and the indicator shows different. I also have InterbakFX as demo and just checked there, different numbers between 4 or 5 digit broker. GBPUSD 5 digit broker -1; GBPUSD 4 digit broker -4 at the same time.