Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading

Thanks, that’s two now. Here’s a hint, has fundamental news on all majors. I lifted the below. There is a very good reason I asked for this. It has to do with trading longer TFs, less work, more stable trends, more pips :slight_smile:

Canadian Dollar Uptrend at Risk as Positioning Heavily Overbought

Fundamental Forecast for Canadian Dollar: Bearish - Canadian Dollar sentiment points to further gains- Extreme futures positioning nonetheless warns of a potential retracement The Canadian Dollar finished the week as the worst-performing currency of the G10, falling sharply against its US namesake on an apparent bout of profit-taking through Friday’s close. There was little rhyme or reason for the sharp Loonie declines; the USDCAD began its rally following a February Gross Domestic Product report that fell squarely in line with consensus forecasts. Given that the currency trades near generational highs and futures positioning remains very heavily long the CAD against the US Dollar, sharp USDCAD rallies are likely explained by mere short covering across the forex world. Of course timing any such reversal has proven quite near impossible, and it will be critical to monitor any and all USDCAD moves in the week ahead. Short-term Canadian Dollar moves will likely follow the trajectory of crude oil prices and broader financial market risk sentiment, while a late-week Canadian employment report likewise promises substantial volatility out of CAD pairs. Consensus forecasts call for the strongest net job gain since January, leaving substantial room for disappointment. Yet it is interesting to note that a Bloomberg survey shows the range of economist predictions at a substantial 8.2k to 50.0k net jobs. Clearly someone will have over and underestimated job creation in the Canadian economy, and markets will likely react strongly to any and all substantial surprises out of said news release. Otherwise Canadian Dollar traders should likely keep an eye on any and all developments out of the US economy. A substantial week of US economic event risk could force sympathetic moves out of the closely-linked Canadian currency. - DR

Read more: DailyFX - Canadian Dollar Uptrend at Risk as Positioning Heavily Overbought DailyFX - Canadian Dollar Uptrend at Risk as Positioning Heavily Overbought

We have lots to cover and due to my other demands, I’m falling a bit behind, so I need to pick up the pace a bit. I don’t want to discourage anyone from breaking new ground, and some people have learned to compile MT4 programs and made improvements on my simple trend count, but this is turning into a bit of a side topic and I want to get on with things, if that’s ok with everyone else.

I’ve been checking in with everyone as I have a chance. Some people are having very good results with account increases of 5 to 7% a day. That’s just fantastic. I’ll say to such people that those results are at the top of the class. I’d like to say don’t change a thing, but I’m concerned that some may not be following the rule to never risk more than 1% of your account on any trade. There is a very good reason for this.

It’s all about the probabilities of a long string of losses occurring. Even if you have a very excellent W/L ratio, say 4 to 1, the probability of something unusual happening, like 20 losses in a row, increases as you trade longer. Trust me, I have been there, it will happen eventually, maybe sooner or maybe later, but it’s coming someday.

If you are trading to risk 1% of your trading capital per trade and it happens, you would lose 20% of your trading or less. That’s bad, but with a good system you could recover that capital fairly quickly. I have recovered from worse. If you are trading 5% risk per trade or more, you could be wiped out. Think this over carefully. Many never recover from that type of loss. They tuck their tail between their legs and go off to sell their life one hour at a time to someone else with the capital to buy it. I don’t want to be a part of that happening to anyone. So please, use good money management at all times.

I’m sure there are many who are having results a little less stellar, but still very good for their experience level. I’d say to them, keep it up. You will experience some setbacks, but the longer you do it, the easier it gets. I have also heard from a few who aren’t having such good results. They are the ones I want to address a bit now.

One complaint I’ve heard from some newer traders is they are getting stopped out too often. I want to counsel against increasing your stop more and more thinking that will solve the problem. Oh, if it were only that easy. I trade the 1h TF with very tight stops, usually 12 to 20 pips. If you are trading in this range and stopping out lots, there’s nothing wrong with your stops. There is something wrong with your trade selection. You are overtrading. You need to make fewer trades and better trades. I know that it’s not easy to decide which of all the possibilities you see are the good ones, so I’ll give you some hints next that you can go and try out for yourself.

Graviton, I never doubted that you had a good reason…you usually (always?) do.

I didn’t know about the URL you provided. Thank you. I’ll definitely go look both now and in the future.

Here is my review of the EUR/JPY -

Monthly - Long term there was an upward trend from 2000 to midyear 2007. Since then a steep decline to a low of 112.00 mid 2008. Than a retrace up though mid 2009 and then another decline with a steep decline in 2010. Right now price has been riding down the mid bb and trendline. Monthly BB appears to be entering a bb squeeze.

Weekly - in a downtrend riding the same trendline and S/R as monthloy

Daily - has been in a down trend with several retraces. Fridays close candle looks like an evening star. Wick hit S/R and round number 126.00 (125.95) Candle also closed at Fib 61.8 from weekly hi/lo

4 hr - Has been a money maker using Tymen’s CBL trades in april there were 6 outer to outer trades and 2 outer to mid bb trades. :smiley:
Currently in a down trend after boucing off the top BB and 126.00. There are about 50 pips to the mid bb.

1 hr - has been in a downtrend since this morning and has closed below the mid bb for the last 5 candles. Bottom BB is about 50pips away.

Fundamentals - From Brian Dolan - Gain Capital
News for Japan is light next week with Auto sales on Thursday.
News for Europe over the weekend - Greece bail out. on Sunday, the EU has scheduled a press conference at which the final details of the Greek aid package are expected to be announced…The latest headlines suggest that an agreement is near, so we have to think the upside in EUR is going to be in play, at least in the beginning. Judging by still highly elevated peripheral Eurozone CDS’s and bond yields, markets may simply conclude additional borrowing by deficit-riddled EUR members does not solve the long-term problem and quickly resume selling EUR. Given the still daunting deficit environment in Europe.

My take on the news…with no Japan news early in the week and with the Greece news this weekend will have a greater impact on this pair. If the news is good I think we will see a big opening gap LONG from Fridays close. No bail out deal make then it’s going south fast. (120.00)

If there was no Greece news coming out this weekend I would be looking for a short of the pair for another 50pips (124.17) Then start looking for the longs.


Thanks Jack, we are getting some very good work here. Would you mind posting some charts of your successful trades? We have had many requests for such trades from the newer traders.

Ok, here is my take on the eurgbp,

monthly - From 2003 until 2007 the price ranged between a relatively narrow price band, until mid 2007 until the end 2008, where we had a steady increase in price. At the end of 2008, the price spiked massively, initially shooting right through the 1995 resistance line. From here, it has again started to range, this time around that same resistance level, and with increased volatility than before. Currently, my limited experience limits me from ascertaining if this is the start of a downtrend, or the start of an uptrend, as we have both higher lows and lower highs.

Weekly - Here it is perhaps a little easier to see what the PA has been doing since that spike of 2008. The lower highs are definitely more pronounced, which could lead to the current PA falling beyond the last support level set in early February. I would say the weekly then is currently in a downtrend?

Daily - First glance at the daily chart again shows a downtrending motion from the 2008 spike. However, what is now a little clearer is that there could be significant support and resistance levels here. The first resistance was set on the first day december, 2009. It was confirmed on the 10th march this year, and following the PA failing to punch through, it has been steady falling.
The Support line was set 20th Jan this year, and it right now being tested again. Here then, we could see the potential start of either a significant uptrend, or should the PA break through, then the start of a significant downtrend?

H4 - From March 1st to 23rd April, we have had consistently lower highs, signalling a continuing downtrend. From the 23rd April, the PA has been erratic, following its contact with the support line from the Daily chart. I cannot say now whether the daily is an uptrend or a downtrend, only that it is bouncing around inside a mini channel of it’s own here. From this, a break through of either the top of this channel or the bottom could again signify the start of another strong trending action?

H1 - Here we can see the H4 channel in a little more detail. Whilst the PA can still be seen to be bouncing around inside the channel, there are some potential high lows forming here, perhaps signalling the start of an uptrend? Right now the price sits at a resistance line that has been tested 4 times since 23rd April without being broken. Perhaps if the price can finally push on through we will get our uptrend?

Fundamentals from Daily FX -

The British Pound may see an early boost from a final Greek bailout agreement but the currency looks decidedly vulnerable ahead of Thursday’s UK general election as traders fret about the future of fiscal policy amid uncertainty at the polls.

The third televised contest between the candidates to take up the post of UK prime minister after Thursday’s general election has come and gone, and while this final round was broadly given to the Conservatives’ David Cameron, the clear winner of the UK’s first experiment with such debate was clearly the Liberal Democrats’ Nick Clegg. The charismatic leader managed to pull his party out of the shadow of its larger competitors and make the election a true three-horse race, meaning the seemingly inevitable downfall of current Labour PM Gordon Brown will not translate into a Tory victory by default. Indeed, the Lib Dems are all but tied with the Conservatives in the latest opinion polls, hinting the election may produce the first hung parliament since 1974 as neither party is able to secure a clear majority.

On balance, this is an ominous prospect for the British Pound. Markets prefer a Conservative victory, hoping Mr Cameron and company will make good on their promise to aggressively tackle the UK’s soaring budget deficit. The Lib Dems have not inspired such confidence, offering precious little in the way of details on how they would proceed on the matter. In any case, they too can’t hope for an outright majority and the prospect of a divided government incapable of charting a clear course for fiscal policy may prove bad enough to send Sterling lower in the election’s aftermath.

Elsewhere, the economic calendar seems relatively uneventful but risk sentiment may prove to be a factor early in the week, giving the Pound a boost if EU policymakers announce a finalized and expanded Greek bailout as expected over the weekend. Indeed, 21-day percent-change correlation studies between GBPUSD and the MSCI World Stock Index return a value of 0.88, the highest in nearly three months.

Read more: DailyFX - British Pound Threatened on Uncertain UK Election Outcome DailyFX - British Pound Threatened on Uncertain UK Election Outcome

I hope that made sense, and more importantly was actually correct? :smiley:


I’m not surprised that the more experienced traders are having better results with this system than newer traders. Many have made extensive studies of candle stick patterns, money management and other relevant material that is all coming together for them now. Experienced traders have all sorts of loss limits that prevent them from getting so deep in a hole they can’t climb out. I have a daily and weekly loss limit, but I also have a limit that I will never take more than two stop losses on the same pair in a day.

Tymen ran through some basics of indicators and concluded that they didn’t work by themselves. When he introduced the BB DNA entry method, but advised that it was not for new traders. That might be because there are many other things like money management and pair selection that more experienced traders have already practiced. So let’s look at some things that might help newer traders select fewer and better trades.

The Tymen method of BB DNA is a type of filter that selects trades that are already at their statistically maximum or minimum values and have turned a bit to revert back toward the BB Mid band. If you find that you are stopping out too often using Tymen’s method just as he presented it, there is nothing wrong with prefiltering your trades and only selecting the ones that give you fewer stopouts. I suspect this is something the more experienced traders are doing almost reflexively. I’ll present a few possibilities and you can test them for yourself.

I’ve noticed some experienced traders are combining candlestick methods with BB DNA. This makes sense since it is a direct observation of very detailed price action. They watch for a particular pattern like a star or a doji before entering and seem to be getting very good results. I’m not saying that anything works for everyone, but if you haven’t spent some time studying these patterns, this would be a good time.

Others are using higher level time frames to filter their trades, only trading when two or even three trends of TFs above them are in the direction of their trade. This makes really good sense since the way to make the most pips with this system is to always trade WITH the trend. If you are keeping a traders journal, the very first thing you should start doing is review your trades at the close of the market each week. I suspect if you go back and review you will find you have not been trading Tymen’s system as he presented it or you have not been trading WITH the trend.

Tymen also showed us the method of only Trading long when the MACD is above the 50% line and only short when the MACD is below the 50% line. There is nothing in his system that prevents you from using an indicator as a pre-filter to only take better trades and I encourage you to review your trades at the end of each trading week to see if one pre-filter or another would have prevented the majority of stopout losses. This is something professional traders do every week of their whole carreers. Yes it is hard work, but it pays very well indeed.

Tymen also once suggested to a trader that the stochastic could be used as a filter (you have to read his comments very carefully). I’m a Stoch trader from way back and used to look for particular setups where the 15m was coming off the bottom (for long) and the 30m and 1h were already headed up. This is almost the same as saying the trends for two levels above are headed up. I would ride the 15m up and if it saturated (a complaint many have about the Stoch) I would move one level up to the 30m, if it saturated up, I would move up to the 1h chart and continue to follow it up. It was a simple system, but I had good long term results from it. Walking up timeframes allowed me to stay in a good long trend longer. There is a simpler way to just use it for a trade filter and I detailed it in an earlier post. if the short term line is above the long term line, only trade up. If it’s saturated up, move up a timeframe for a signal. Use just the opposite for a trade down.

These are all entry filters. You can try others like the RSI or ADX. Another popular one is if price is above the 100sma and 200sma only trade long, if price is below both, then only trade short. Another is if price is above a major up trend line, only trade up, if price is below a major down trendline, only trade down. There must be a very large number of these. Anything directly related to price action should be considered first.

The point is not to trade these filters by themselves, but rather use them to reduce the number of trades you are taking, and then only take them when conditions are most favorable. I can’t say which, if any of these filters will reduce your stopouts. I would suggest first try filters that are closely related to price action, such as candle sticks or PA above the 100sma and 200sma only go long, or below only go short. Trend lines are also a tool I have found to be very effective, and of course, if you haven’t been trading WITH the trend, this would be a very good time to start. If nothing else, this will reduce your number of trades and SL losses and give you more time to think over the trades you do take.

If anyone is having problems with too many stopouts (a poor W/L ratio), I will be happy to work with you directly to get it up where it should be and show you methods to keep it there. I’ll bring in other senior traders for their opinions if that is needed. Whatever it takes. All you have to do is ask. But you’ll need to ask quickly as I’m running out of time to get through these basic things and I need to move on to some more advanced material.

Hello all, I am attaching a PDF of most of Gravitons comments to date. Because of my low level of expeirence I have not been able to contribute as much as others. This is raw and not fancy, just a help to those like me who don’t want to wander back through the thread searching for an answer.

Please keep posting pair analysis so I can selfishly pick Graviton’s brain:D:D

Graviton thru 5-1-10.pdf (1.23 MB)

Thank you for doing this work. A very useful contribution.:slight_smile:

Agreed, many thanks.

Before I move on, if anyone has any questions, please post them now so everyone can benefit from the answers.

I think it might be useful to all of us to have a list of your favorite sites/URLs, such as the one you suggested to me (


Whar broker do you use? I’m shopping for a new one. Any suggestions from others is appreciated. I have 10k to put in and will start trading with mini’s till I’m comfy.:slight_smile:

I think you have what it takes to be a good trader. You have realized it’s not as easy as some would make out and are willing to put in the hard work to make it happen. Everyone is looking for that magic bullet. If there is one, be sure that it will take lots of work to implement. Having a complete understanding of what you are trading is a very good step in the right direction.

Here are my comments on your analysis.

1m- yes, we have been in a bit of downtrend of late, but looking waaaay back, we can see price has gone up over the past 4 years from about 6800 to 7200 far left candle to far right. This will be important to know soon as I move to longer TFs and bigger pips.
Always look at price far left to price far right to see price action in an objective light.

1w-I see this chart differently. Remember we are still in the VERY long term charts, 1w & 1m. I use these charts for position trades that run from 6 months to 2 years and make 1000 to 2000 pips each, so they are important.
Look at just the last year of data. Far left to far right, price went up 1400 pips, so it looks like a good uptrend to me.

Daily- Agreed

H4- Agreed, the obvious BB DNA trade here is counter trend. This and the daily chart are the ones that tell you that it is counter trend.

1h- yes, here you can see the counter trend trade in detail. Only about 20 pips profit to be made if you traded it very well. I would not have taken this trade, but that’s just me. I just don’t trade counter trend, I’ve been burned in the past on it just one too many times. I might consider this a good long entry if price bounces off the mid-BB. I would do a cbl just as if it bounced off the bottom bb. That may be the only entry you get. But don’t go running off in a rush to trade it. This is a specific type of trade that is very advanced, getting in late to a bb walk. I would need to discuss it specifically to show all the in’s and out’s of this. It’s not for beginners, but when in the advanced material, ask me about it and we will go into it in detail with all the stats and such.

30M- agreed, might make a long bb DNA entry here, we’ll see. Let the market tell you what it is going to do here.

15m- I would use this chart for timing the best entry, but I would trade the 30m chart minimum. That doesn’t mean though that there is no way to enter here. You just have to understand the risks and control them. More to say on that later.

Fun(damental) info: I bet you learned something very fundamental doing this extra credit exercise. Yes, the nu is a com doll, it will very closely track the crb index. The writer of this fun info said he was surprised at it’s move up. Considering the chart info above, he must not know much about technical analysis. But his fun take on things will be VERY important later.

Thanks for participating. You’ll make it. I’ll do anything I can to help you since you put in the work required.

Good Job!

Many of us use IBFX. Oanda and GFT are also among the choices in this thread. IBFX is attractive because we have MT4 coders in the group.

Oops, don’t do it. How long have you been trading demo?

Have you ever traded micros?

If not, open a micro account for $1000 first and try to trade in 1 or 2 micro lots for at least 3 months before moving to minis. If you are winning 3 of 3 months, move to minis. If you are losing, do not recharge the micro account. Go back to demo and practice and study for at least one month before recharging and trying again. This may happen for one or two years before minis are appropriate, or you may progress faster than average if you have the right combination of talent and hard work. That’s my best advice. Been there, done that.

Monthly-Obvious up trend since 2002 until a double top in 2008 when it dropped significantly. An attempted retracement failed with 5 consecutive down months. A trend line drawn from the low of July 2001 thru the low of october 2008 shows current pa touching it with this last month low. Outer BB are contracting and midline is down.

Weekly-Steady decline in pa since Dec 2009. A fib drawn from low at Oct 26, 2008 to high of Nov 29, 2009 show the pa has dropped lower than the 61.8 and is near the trendline from the monthly chart. That same trendline is obvious in this weekly chart. Mid & upper BB are down but lower BB has leveled out somewhat.

Daily-Overall pa shows a down trend. BB are showing a trumpet with mid line down slightly. Last three days show bullish candles bouncing off the lower BB. Mid BB and 61.8 fib line from weekly coincide.

4 hr-Downtrend sausage since middle of April with strong resistance at midline. Recently started breaking up thru the midline with successful break up to upper BB on friday. Slight upturn of upper and mid BB. Trend line drawn from high of April 14 thru April 26 show a breach upward on friday.

1 hr-Fib drawn from high of April 26 to low of April 28 show pa surpassed 61.8 but then dropped down to 50.0 before moving back up above it again. After a recent squeeze followed by a bubble pa retraced to the midline before resuming upward movement. Trend line drawn from the low of April 26 thru April 30 pullback show an intersection with higher time frame trend line. Possibly indicate a break to the upside?

Graviton’s midline count produces +3.

Weekly show pa in a downtrend midway between midline and lower BB. Daily shows pa is bouncing up off the lower BB but 4 hr shows pa bouncing off upper BB while 1 hr is bouncing up off the midline. Anyone got a quarter?

Below info is from DailyFX
Fundamental Outlook for US Dollar: Bullish - US Dollar rallies against Euro on sovereign debt crises in the Euro Zone- Euro nonetheless stages recovery as US Dollar falls amidst stock market strength The US Dollar finished the week lower against the Euro and other major forex counterparts, shedding early-week gains on a relative calm in ongoing Euro Zone fiscal crises. The Greenback had originally hit fresh multi-month highs against the downtrodden Euro as major rating agencies downgraded long-term sovereign credit ratings on both Spain and Portugal. Yet official announcements on further budget cuts and financial aid to Greece helped calm tumultuous FX markets. Market attention now turns to the upcoming week of critical US event risk, and the next several days of trading may very well dictate more medium-term direction in the US Dollar and other major currency counterparts. A late-week US Nonfarm Payrolls report will likely dominate headlines in the coming week, but traders should likewise monitor any and all developments in earlier event risk. Indeed, the usual battery of pre-NFP releases should give a much better sense of what to expect from the highly market-moving US employment report. First on the ledger, analysts forecast that the ISM Manufacturing report showed robust growth in goods-producing sectors through the month of April. Any surprises in said number could color expectations for historically market-moving ISM Services data due just two days later. Wednesday’s ADP Employment and Challenger Job Cuts data could likewise color forecasts for what promises to be a contentious NFP release. A poll by Bloomberg News shows that economists predict the US economy added a net 75k to 300k jobs in April with a median prediction of a 200k gain. The large spread between the low and high estimate truly underlines the indecision surrounding the release and will likely make any surprises that much more significant. Substantial hiring for the 2010 US Census should theoretically leave risks to the topside, but NFP results are notoriously difficult to predict. US Dollar bulls should hope that the economy added jobs for a second consecutive month, and it would be the first such occurrence since December, 2007. With so much riding on the release, any especially large surprises could easily set the tone for US Dollar trading in the days to follow. Traders will certainly wonder whether the all-important US labor market has truly turned the corner and if consumer spending can recover through the second quarter. Recent upward momentum leaves the US Dollar at an advantage over the Euro and other majors, but the wildcard remains whether markets see resolution in ongoing Euro Zone fiscal crises. Some have claimed that the EURUSD rallied into Friday’s close in expectation that the European Monetary Union and International Monetary Fund will announce a bailout for Greece over the weekend. That is a possibility, but if true would suggest that the US Dollar stands to gain on inaction. It should be an interesting start to what promises to be a similarly eventful week of forex trading. - DR

Read more: DailyFX - US Dollar Strength Depends on Nonfarm Payrolls, Euro Zone Resolution DailyFX - US Dollar Strength Depends on Nonfarm Payrolls, Euro Zone Resolution

Spending a few hours searching the internet will reveal about 20 or so. Lots of work, but great pay. The point here is not for me to fish for you. It is for me to teach you how to fish as best I can.

OK! Your the 4th to participate. I feel better :slight_smile:

No, you aren’t way off base. Look top to bottom, bottom to top, until it makes sense for you. The 1m will be of very little use to us. it’s only good for seeing the whole picture. It doesn’t even help time trades at the 1H and 30M level. Since we have decided 15m trades are not good for big pips, we can drop it from review and the trend count. It still does help to complete the pretty picture in our heads though :slight_smile: