Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading

Hi Graviton
Is there a link for this tool yet?
[I]So the tool is, PTE = AP/MFE [/I



More high quality comments from [B]Graviton[/B]!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I hope I have answered all your questions. If anything is not clear, feel free to ask it again with a chart example. I value your questions since many others probably have the same question but are too shy to ask it, so keep the good questions coming, preferably with chart examples to make them easier to understand. We may have different first languages, but the chart looks the same to everyone. Happy Trading :)[/B]

[B]Graviton[/B], please be aware that just now there is a poster called ā€œwitsnpipsā€ who is going around the threads posting absolute insulting rubbish.

He has not appeared here yet.

So I post publicly rather than send you a PM because he might just see this post and think twice about polluting your thread.

If he does post here, hit the red triangle in the top right hand corner and report him.
Also let [B]o990l6mh, Honorary FX Member[/B] know. :wink:

Thanks tymen for the advice!
Not only i have to thank graviton, but also you. Thanks to your CBL entry method, i have improved my trading in a way you cant imagine! :slight_smile: You and graviton have been excellent teachers, and the lesson you are giving tu everybody in this forum is priceless! :slight_smile:

Great trading Gasanvill. I can see your progress in just one week. Iā€™ll suggest that along with ATR you also record the home chart TF of each trade. If you always trade the same home chart TF, or the same combination of TFā€™s, then itā€™s not necessary. Usually when you first start this process you can make huge improvements in your trading right away and you can become profitable quickly. Of course, quick is relative to a degree in Denistry that takes 8 years. After months of improvements though, your improvement starts to flatten out. Youā€™ll be making steady bank by then, so no worries. The tracking must continue the rest of your trading carreer though to keep you from going astray. Let me know how next week goes for you.

Another Note: I believe your pips won or lost includes spread. You need to record spread so you can back it out of those numbers. It will need to be backed out of all your numbers including MAE and MFE for more accurate tracking. If your spreads are fixed, just record the pair traded and you can do that anytime. Otherwise different spreads will mess up your calciulations. You need to record pair traded, stop loss used, and time of day also, long or short also, but those are all in your platform trading log, so you can go back and enter that later if need be.

Hi all :),
gasanvill I didnt know you have been trading for 3 years. I thought you are newbee as I am

How was your trading before for past 3 years? have you lose or was gaining?

Thanks Graviton for being patient answering me even some questions again :slight_smile:

I have to say to my Casey thousand times before she knows what to do. she is only 2.5 month since she was born and looks at the world.
guess I am the same in trading.

Casey is my pretty dog if anyone doesnt know :smiley:
there is no way to see live trades at the BB chat room or I missed something is there a trading room to watch the live charts??

Yes Graviton, i also record for each trade: time, day, long or short, and paste daily, 4h, 1h and 15 min chart at the moment of the entry and exit. that way i can analyze on the weekend. i keep that in my trading journal :slight_smile:

Hi Renalaā€¦how was you trading for this week?

Yes i have been trading for the past 3 years :slight_smile: It has been a very difficult road. I blow two accounts, learned a lot, and this year finally iĀ“m seeing the light! dont give up if you lose money, your eureka moment will come. With the advices of tymen and graviton you will learn a lot. My little advice: keep record of all your trades. That was the difference for me, i never kept a trading journal so i made the same mistakes on an on.

hope that helps! :smiley:

and go to the chatroom, graviton and tymen give ver important lessons there, you can see live charts and learn a lot!

I didnt trade this week much I was busy with other things. I didnt take more then 8-15 pips per trade. thanks for asking :slight_smile:
Last week I have waste too much pips(Included spread) - too much times pa went against my trade.
I wonder if we use cbl entry should we still use timing key?

next week I will practice more on cbl entry.
what time do they teach in the chat?
I have gained important knowledges :slight_smile: I need practice I would like to see the live trades.

Can anyone update Gravitonā€™s pdf please.
I was trying but I dont have such option in my adobe reader

this ids probably one of the best pieces of advice for any newbie trader, is to keep a journal and records. Its probably as powerful a tool as any indicator thats out there. I have not yet seen a professional trader who does not keep a journal. Therefore starting and keeping one is one step closer to your goal.

And if you cant be bothered then chances are you will not succeed.

Ha Ha, itā€™s a group effort. But Iā€™m very pleased that itā€™s working! I donā€™t think it would have worked without your help Tymen. I always believed my method of trading could not be taught. Compared to others methods, it seemed overly complex, cobbeled together from 1000 things Iā€™ve learned over decades, and way too dependent on making many right decisions for each trade, each of which can be adversely affected by a traders emotions or mood. I never tried to teach it to anyone and even told many who asked me to show them how to trade that it couldnā€™t be taught. I wasnā€™t being selfish, I just believed it took me decades to learn it and it would take anyone else at least almost that long if it was even possible to teach. I never considered even trying to teach it until I read The Finest In Trend Trading thread and thought, maybe it is possible. Maybe very difficult, but maybe possible.

Now Iā€™ve seen two traders with some prior experiance become successful with slightly different combinations of BB DNA and my old timey tape reading method. The reason my method is so crude is we didnā€™t even have such things as live charts when I started learning. We literally just watched prices print on a black and white TV screen and visualized in our mind what they would look like if plotted on a chart. We spent half of each day flipping through paper charts to remind ourselves of the patterns on each. Having a really good memory was essential. I thought it was fantastic when I saw the first automated black and white real time chart plotted on a computer monitor powered by an IBM main frame computer as big as a house. Back then,weā€™d update our paper charts and do calculations in the evenings, but all quick decisions had to be made on the fly from direct price action information only, basically just tape reading.

Iā€™ve yet to see a newbie trader just start making profits quickly like in the Turtle Traders book, but I see many advancing at 10 times the rate I did and Iā€™m sure many are just about to the point of having the light come on. Itā€™s frustrating to use every day a simple concept like, donā€™t ever take a big loss, but not be able to explain it to others. But if some, even 1 or 2 traders get it, then this all lives past my time. Itā€™s a little bit of imortality and at my age Iā€™ll settle for any little bit I can get. I wanted to teach my kids how to do this, but they just werenā€™t interested at all. I still have hope for one grand child, weā€™ll see. In the end, I feel very proud, very happy, very pleased that I could help a couple or few traders in some small way. It has been a hell of an effort, but hey, we trade Forex. We arenā€™t afraid of an almost impossible task. The harder the chalange, the more it makes our blood boil, right? Happy trading all.

Ummm, there probably is. Type in Maximum Favorable Excursion to google and youā€™ll see several links to articles about the concept. I made it up a long time ago and called it Maximum Profit Available and used it a long time before I realized some other people were doing the same thing and called it Maximum Favorable Excursion, so I renamed the measurement to MFE to be consistent with other literature. I created the Profit Taking Efficiency tool, now named PTE to avoid confusion with price earnings ratio, and Iā€™m not sure if anyone else is using it under another name. But if you find something good, be sure to share it. Note that PTE can be normalized for volatility at the time of the trade using ATR by the same process as used for normalizing Maximum Adverse Excursion. Itā€™s also helpful to seperate the trades by home chart time frame with MFE as well once you collect enough data. Itā€™s very revealing.

Thanks, will do. These trolls contribute nothing. They really need to get a life.

We all just watch live charts on our screens from our own platforms while we chat about them too. the chat page has a popout feature so you can put it on top of a chart if you like. Tymen uses live charts in a blackboard application that is great when he gives lessons. Itā€™s cool.

I like your last sentence alot and it means alot to me. Having been one of the elites in the army, i totally canā€™t agree more on that!

Back then whenever we were assigned a task, theyā€™d go ā€œif itā€™s so easy, why do we still need to assign it to you guysā€

Now that you mention it again, it just brings back memories back then.
Tough times donā€™t last, tough men do :smiley:

ā€œCan anyone update Gravitonā€™s pdf please.
I was trying but I dont have such option in my adobe reader

Hey Renla,

Attached is the updated PDF for Gravitonā€™s thread. I tried to upload the whole thread but it would not upload. It says the minimum size for a PDF is 20MB and the whole thing was only 2.21 MB but it continued to fail to upload. So I went in and cut out the portion I had last uploaded around page 86 and published the remainder to date and that is what you have here. Not everyones questions are included in this but a lot of yours are since you ask such good questions and Gravition amazingly answers them all in great detail.
Hope this helps.

Graviton PDF Continued.pdf (1.32 MB)

Hi Graviton
I have started reading this thread from the begining and hope to learn a lot more about trading from it. I might pop up now and again with a question or two if I dont understand is that okay?


Welcome Gerard. Good questions help everyone. I really like the ones with a chart example attached. As I mentioned in chat once, every trade in the world only consists of 5 parts, nothing more:

What to trade - We discussed pair selection here extensively. Everyone who has gone through this thread should have a good idea of how to select a pair to trade.

Which direction to trade- Weā€™ve gone through trend analysis in great detail. Everyone should have all the skills they need now to spot trends.

How much to trade - This usually is 1% to 2% of account balance risked per trade maximum per money management rules. Newer traders should never risk more than 1% of account balance per trade until they are consistently profitable. Note that if account balance takes a big drawdown (this should never happen trading my rules), then trade risk must be reduced to keep risk per every new trade below the 1% maximum.

When to enter - A good entry method, the CBL, is described in detail in Tymenā€™s thread. Iā€™ve also discussed entries in much detail.

When to exit - Iā€™ve discussed exits in great detail. In addition, Tymen has just introduced a new PSAR-BB mid band exit method that Iā€™ve been testing out in demo and looks very promising.

All five components of a good trade are now in place. Some are already getting positive trading. Others will need a little more practice, but are making good progress. I think everyone can get there with some careful work. Happy trading :slight_smile: