Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading

Tymen has been banned by babypips admin. I am asking that those who have benefited from his teachings please contact babypips admin and ask that his ban be rescinded and changed to a warning. Please do that right away as time is of the essence. Please contact admin at:

Forex Trading Online: Foreign Exchange (FX) Currency Trading Made Fun

Thanks for your help with this.


Thanks Grav. I have responded.

Iā€™ll share a secret now. Itā€™s a bit of trading Voodoo. Yesterday we were chatting about random reinforcement. Thatā€™s where the brain considers reinforcement it is receiving random and not associated with a particular action or result. This has to do with the psychology of trading. Here are the basics and how to apply them. The human brain is the most powerful pattern recognition engine on the planet. A single human brain has the pattern recognition ability of about 100,000 super computers. It would seem simple then to train a human brain to recognize the patterns of good trades. Well, it is and it isnā€™t. The brain is rewarded every time we trade with a mix of hormones and neurotransmitters whether we win or lose. Another way to say it is trading is fun. Sure itā€™s more fun to win than lose, but the brain doesnā€™t make that distinction unless you force it to. So the brain just seeks to trade, win or lose.

You can trick your brain into seeking only good trades with a simple rule. You only let your brain trade if it finds good trades. Itā€™s simple and it works like this. You find the best trade you can at the beginning of the trading day. If you win, you allow your brain another trade. You continue this as long as you win. But if you lose, your trading day is over. Your brain will be sad, because it wants to trade. It will think of all sorts of excuses as to why you should take another trade. But if you donā€™t, if you can hold your ground, you win something more important than a trade. The next day, you do the same thing and the next and every day you do the exact same thing. Itā€™s a matter of discipline. You either have the discipline to do this and can be a trader, or you donā€™t and can be a welder or something else.

Itā€™s amazing how fast the brain will adapt to this new requirement. To get its dose of fun and excitement (neurotransmitters and hormones) the brain must devote resources to finding only winning trades. It learns and adapts very quickly. The attitude changes and the wins roll in. In the beginning, it might not seem to make much difference, one day you lose a trade right off the bat and the trading day is over, one day the first trade is won and the second is lost and the trading day is over, but very soon the brain adapts and seeks out only winning trades, the strings of wins get longer and the losses are further apart. Keep it up and you train your brain to win. And thatā€™s todayā€™s lesson. Train your brain to win. Itā€™s simple and effective. If you are having trouble with your trading, try it for a month and let me know how it works for you :slight_smile:

Not only do you assist us in our trade entries and exit, you also help us cope with our psychology!! Priceless :smiley:

This is great information! Iā€™ve had to set a similar rule for wins, so if I win more then 100 pips, stop trading for the day. That way I donā€™t give it all back looking for another trade to take home more!

With time and practice, Iā€™m sure that my 100 pip rule will expire to a higher level, but for now, it is what it is.

Dear Graviton

Thats interesting about training your brain to see good trades. A few weeks ago I saw a program on decision making and it talked about a guy whose job it was to monitor the radar during the Iraq war. Maybe if you live in the USA you know the story, although I didnā€™t. On the second day of the war he saw two dots on his radar that looked exactly like jet planes heading for the battleship Missouri. The only thing was that something in his gut instinct told him that they were actually missiles. With only seconds to act he fired and shot down the dots. For hours they didnā€™t know if he had (a) shot down two fighter jets and the crew or (b) saved the battleship Missouri with hundreds of people on board from being bombed. Fortunately it was B. No one looking at and or studying the radar tapes could see any difference in the dots. They just thought he was lucky. It wasnā€™t until much later when a new study of the tapes occurred that it was revealed that although there was no difference in the dots once they appeared on the radarā€¦ there was a split second difference in when they appeared on the screen. That is why he or no one else could explain the difference in the dots. The fact that he had been watching jet planes take off and land for weeks previously had trained his brain into what was a ā€˜good tradeā€™ so to speak so he could also identify what was a ā€˜bad tradeā€™.

This of course had me thinking about the idea that if you study the charts enough you might eventually develop a bit of a gut instinct about it the way the guy in the story above developed. You might be able to intuit to some degree what are good trades and what are not. Even if its not all the time it might be just enough to give you an edge. I havenā€™t done much trading ā€¦yetā€¦ however, I had decided that before I place a trade one of the things I would always do is to check in with my intuition. So far, every time I check I get nothing. I figure thats OK as its only been a little while and Iā€™m still training my instinct. But I am hoping that eventually it will kick inā€¦ wouldnā€™t that be great.

Thanks for the message about tymenā€¦ I did contact the administratorsā€¦I hope its sorted out soon.


Rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior. Sound and basic advice. Itā€™s kind of amusing that we use the same approach to train our minds as we use to train a pet huh. :wink:

Thanks for all your support and confidence. I hope some day to be able to deserve it. And thanks to all who have contacted babypips admin asking that the ban on Tymen be lifted. I realize he is not a perfect person. Iā€™m not perfect and Iā€™m sure that those who would go to such great lengths to taunt an old retired school teacher to the point of rage arenā€™t perfect either. I do know that Tymen has contributed more to helping new traders than all his enemies combined. I see trading logs of traders like IronHeart and PipBandit who are making great profits with minimal drawdowns using their own personalized version of his system. Perhaps they would have been successful with any good system, but I donā€™t see these people who signed up in September with only two posts even trying to help anyone. And this isnā€™t over. If these people, and I suspect itā€™s really just a few signing up under different names over and over, if these people succeed in removing Tymen, do you think they will be satisfied and just go away? No, they arenā€™t wired that way. They will need a new target. Who will that be? If they will taunt an old retired school teacher to the point of rage, anyone could be their next target.

It reminds me of the poem by Martin Niemƶller, a pastor:

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasnā€™t a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

So, my belief is, if admin thinks they have found an easy solution by banning Tymen, in my opinion, they are wrong. The people who had nothing better to do with their lives than taunt Tymen will move on to their next target. It is their nature and I donā€™t believe they can do anything else.

Iā€™m trying to keep this all in perspective. In the end, chat room and forum flame wars come and go and they rarely amount to anything substantial. My problem with keeping that attitude is there was something substantial here. You can see it in PipBanditā€™s trading log. Perhaps it wasnā€™t perfect, nothing created by man is, but making nearly 40% in two months with minimal drawdown is substantial. And being able to teach others to do it is something Iā€™ve not seen anyone else in this forum, or any forum, be able to do. Despite his human imperfections I believe this forum was fortunate to have Tymen teach on it.

Running a forum like this will always be filled with difficult choices. I donā€™t envy the admin their job. In this case though, I believe they made an easy, but not right decision. The better decision would have been to counsel Tymen to not respond to his tormentors and keep him here as an asset to this forum. The best thing would to be to ban trolls with an IP identification, so they could not just sign right back up under a new name and continue their bullying. I know that is happening as many who have posted bad stuff about Tymen show to be signed up this September with only a couple posts. I can tell by their grammar and usage, that some are the same person as others that have been on this forum for a long time. They just sign up with a new name when they have some really strong venom to spew and donā€™t want to be banned for it.

So, right now, Iā€™m upset that people like that even exist, but they always have and they always will. Iā€™m sure that if I could rub a magic lantern and make a dozen of them good people, another dozen bullies would just rise up to fill their place. You can get rid of their target, but they will just find another. The only reason I stopped at this forum was Tymenā€™s thread interested me. So now, Iā€™m not really sure what the right thing to do is. Iā€™ll think it over. I may be thinking it over a very long time. Better that than doing something ill conceived. In any case, I wish everyone here well and I truly thank you for your patience and support. Happy trails to you.

I totally agree with you Grav.

Is sad that such a big forum, has a very bad organization and almost no control of trolls. This problem could be solved by making an IP filter and also by having a minimum number of posts in your own thread, before you are able to post in another thread.

So if you donā€™t have your own thread then you canā€™t post at all? :eek: IP addresses can be randomly generated.

The cure is worse than the diseaseā€¦ :rolleyes:

I believe the admins had increased the power of the ignore listā€¦that when a thread starter puts someone on their ignore list, that person canā€™t post on the thread starterā€™s thread anymore. Tymen could have done that. Heā€™s been on my ignore list for a couple years now. Itā€™s a pity more members donā€™t use it. :cool:

You can use the ignore list, but the problem is that there is no limit for new members, trolls keep creating new users anytime they want and start posting. Then, what are you going to do? keep adding people to the ignore list every hour or everyday??

The idea that iĀ“m suggesting is this: You need to have your own thread and you can only post in other threads once you have a minimum of useful posts in your own thread, maybe 20 or 30. I have seen that in other forums and is working great.

Iā€™ve typed up 5 drafts to this, and deleted them.

Iā€™ll leave it at this.

There was not a troll, bully, or flamefest in sight when Tymen said what he did that got him banned. Ever hear the saying ā€œgive 'em enough rope, and theyā€™ll hang themselvesā€?

If you didnā€™t read it for yourself, you wouldnā€™t have believed it.

The shame is on you, for blaming BP staff for doing what they HAD to do in the end.

Go on feeling like a martyr as well. Nothing like feeling a bit self sacrificial to sooth the soul.
If you have a rebuttal, you can always PM me.

Thereā€™s a few things you MIGHT need to know before you follow the rest of the lemmings off the cliffā€¦

Hey grav, i noticed yesterday the pair had quite a big spike. For the pound dollar and euro dollar. Whatā€™s the chances of this happening on a monthly basis?

I heard you mentioned that china is buying gold and dumping the dollar?

I believed the spike shaked many off their positions if they were on the wrong side of the trade.

One dayā€™s experience on a demo account:
Account balance: $3000. I made nearly $1000 off my first two trades, just by following candle indicators. Then I lost about 60% of that profit on the following 7 or 8 trades. But hey, itā€™s a demo account!

If youā€™re making 15% profit on a single trade Iā€™d guess that youā€™re wagering too much on each trade. You should be risking about 1-3% of your account on a single trade (~1-2% would be my norm). Youā€™ll also most likely want to have a maximum amount of 5-7% of your account in play at any one time when combining all open trades together. Iā€™ll usually have less than that myself (~2-3% would be my norm). By more or less following those sort of ranges youā€™ll stand a better chance of surviving the times you get a few trades wrong in a row.

Edit to add: More for future reference once you start to get more comfortable with stuff in general.

Hey all,

I am glad to see that "fartistā€™ & ā€œPipBanditā€ are more interested in FX than cheap shots.

Keep PIP positive.

Hey Grav
lots of pips today after BOJ intervention! :smiley:

I wanted to ask you a question.
After 30 winning trades, you have more reliable SL and TP optimums and you can incorporate them into your system. But what happens at the end of the week if the optimum SL and TP changes? Do you have to incorporate them into your system? I guess my questios is: how often do you make new adjustements to the system? ever week? every day? every month? or it depends of how well is performing?

Thanks! :smiley:

hey madpipa!

This fx journey is defintely a never ending one for me. Those i see that came for cheap thrills, get burnt and never rise again. Unless theyā€™re determined to see through it! I hope all is well for you and your trading :slight_smile:

people, please do not discass any improvement of the forum on Gravitonā€™s thread. He has dedicated his best knowledge and experiance that is helping to anyone.

Graviton :slight_smile:
you cant belive I has pips rain on my head today :smiley:

So you were long UJ as well yesterday, RenaLa? Seems we all were. I got out too soon though. Always my problem. Leaving the good parties to soon and staying too long at the bad ones! :rolleyes: