Multi-Time Frame Trend Trading

BoJ has spent $20Billion already.

China is also selling USD on spikes to dampen the effect of BoJ intervention. Something to do with a fishing boat captain and some little specks of islands.:rolleyes:

Hi hachiko, thanks for beeing here :slight_smile:

I made yesterday over 400 pips taking long entries on aud/jpy, usd/cad and gbp/usd
I have missed usd/jpy party but since intervention has been started I am carrefuly watching this pair now and waiting for long engulfing pattern on the monthly chart :slight_smile:

You should always keep in your mind to cut the losses quickly :slight_smile:

Nice one renala! Good to see you grabbing some nice pipsss!

Hey hach! You working or studying?

Hi, can i ask why do we take long trade for USDJPY? From the weekly, daily chart, it is downtrend. Shouldnā€™t we trade with the down trend? Iā€™m in a short trade and got stop out by the sudden spike. Any comments are greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

fartist (interesting avatar you have there),
Letā€™s just say that my student days are well behind me and my work-life balance leans heavily towards life. (& trading)

Hey Gas, Great to hear you made some good pips. I took mega pips off the top yesterday and then added lots back on just before bed last night. Iā€™ll trade it long putting lots on with dips and taking off profits on peaks as long as BOJ is willing to pay to put a floor under the yen pairs, which has the effect of limiting my downside risk.

Yes, you should adjust your sl and tp amounts. Pair selection, time frame, trading session, season and general market volatility will all affect optimum values. I do this by eye checking the ATR and adjusting by increasing or decreasing my optimum values as ATR increases and decreases. I adjust for each trade as I place it. I only actually go back and recalc my MAE and MFE and optimums on Sat each week when the market is closed.

So if I made my calcs mostly at a slow period like the lull between NY and Asia sessions where the avg 1H ATR was 15, and I want to trade an active session that has an ATR of 20, Iā€™ll increase SL and TP values by about 30%. And of course, the reverse is true.

Iā€™m crazy busy with other business and other personal obligations at the moment. My favorite Niece is getting married in Dallas this weekend and it will be one of those big socialite weddings. Lots of preparation required. I will be dropping into the BB DNA chatroom almost every day for a bit so cya there.

Hi Graviton,

interesting after such huge intervention is it possiable any gaps on monday??

Itā€™s possible. Iā€™m well above my targets, so I will probably close all trades before lunch on Friday.

thanks, can you explain little bit more please. If JPY was oversold what direction would be the gap? I couldnt understand
and one more thing is the gap could be on jpy pairs or usd pairs as usd has been rised?

hmm :confused:

Hey hach, that was taken in my poly days years ago. hehehehe

Hi grav, i have some fundamental qns that i ponder about.

Could you maybe briefly tell me what you think is the top 5 US news that affect the markets right now?

Defintely the NFP would be top the list, and what about the others?

Because usually i take my trade entries off the 4 hr, using pinbar, inside bar, outside bar following the trend. Possible at london open which is gmt 0800.

At times i get a valid entry however i notice the news coming out from the US and i might hold back if i deem the news might go against me.

So perharps you could shed some light on whatā€™s the important issues right now on the list?

And lastly, just some reflection i have for this week. I notice if a pair is near its all time low like the usd chf, eur aud, it may not be wise to still further short it?

I found a few entries on those pair to short, but i did not take it somehow.
Which im glad i did not as it had a sudden spike and bounced up quite a bit!

Is that something i should take note of whenever a pair is somehwere near its all time low? Some big buyer may just ramp up the pair?

thanks! :slight_smile:

3 weeks positive and then 4th week negative. 3 steps forward, two steps back. Caught out badly on short AUD/USD trade. Couldnā€™t believe market would turn risk-on so quickly after being risk-off. Bummer.

Salvaged some self-esteem by being long UJ & USD/CHF at the moment of intervention by BoJ but bailed too early. Bummer x 2.

Still, thereā€™s always next weekā€¦

I feel you, hach. This was one of those frustrating weeks where you see so many pips go by (and know others are catching them) but you end up with a crappy bunch of losses. Trying to catch the yens Long after the anticipated retracements kept crushing me; it seems I was never lucky enough to catch those times when BoJ intervened.

Anyway, +9% two weeks ago, -1% last week and now -6% on account balance this week. 3 steps forward, 2 steps back. You are not alone, bud. Weā€™ll get there.

I think it depends on the pair. And itā€™s not just all time lows, but all time highs as well.

SNB intervenes quite often; BoJ hardly ever but when they do, watch out. I mean BoJ last intervened in 2004, before that 1995! So when BoJ comes in, run long and hard. Of course, I didnā€™t learn all this until after the UJ pair rose by 2% in 2 hours and then did some research. I took a quick 80 pips and went short in case it was another rumour. :o

Iā€™ve got their number now though. When BoJ next intervenes sometime between 2016 & 2020, Iā€™ll be ready for them.

Closer to home for you, fartist, the MAS (Singapore) will intervene whenever, wherever; which is why I wouldnā€™t touch the USD/SGD pair with someone elseā€™s money. RBA (Australia) plays now and again if AUD gets close to parity against USD but mostly stays on the sidelines. South Korea spends a bundle buying USD against WON. China intervenes 24/7.

All of this probably doesnā€™t help much. Ultimately, itā€™s one big gamble and whoever blinks first is the loser. All we little fish can do is follow the sharks and pick up the scraps.

Sorry but whatā€™s SNB?
Yes i get your point, thats why i wouldnā€™t dare 2nd guess tops and bottoms.
Merely follow the trend or any pa that indicates possible trend change.

In fact i trade of the 4hrs and daiilys as they prove more reliable and suits my time management as well :slight_smile:

And no, i dont trade the usd sgd pair, the spread is close to gj and gj offers way better volatility.

SNB = Swiss National Bank (Switzerlandā€™s central bank)

Ha thanks! :smiley:

HELLO!!! This is EPIC thread and I felt that I cannot post without reading it to the last page. This is the most addictive thread I have ever read. Days can pass by just sitting and reading, reading and more reading :slight_smile: I just canā€™t see how people can pay money for forex material then the best stuff is free and I canā€™t imagine a better support then Graviton. Your ideas are framework for my trading carrier. To add I do not understand why this threads pdf made by Hordone is not in the Bollinger Band DNA essential downloads.

I can only hope that you will not lose interest in helping others for many years to come and I hope to participate in this process.

Agree with you Rokas1989. Like you I have just finish reading this thread. I count myself as a lucky person. Knowledges shared by Graviton impossable to find in any FX or other books. He behaves against common rules. He doesnā€™t want to sell what he knows. He doesnā€™t want to get money for teaching. And this are the points which make him different from others. In my life so far I havenā€™t seen such example. Where evere you look everything is commercial. Gravitonā€™s lessons are lessons of rich person. First of all rich as a human, as a person.
Sad that we have not many Gravitons in our small world.