Multiple market scope windows


I’ve seen it brought up multiple times but so far nothing official seems to have been said/done about it.

I love FXCM mainly for the platform, however, having 6 monitors, it becomes tiresome to be constantly dragging out marketscope charts and resizing them etc on all the monitors.

There was a post on the dailyfx forums where someone asked the same question and was told it would be in a future update. that was in 2010.

I’d like to get an official word on if it’s actually planned and if so, a rough date?

I should also say that I’m aware of the work arounds and none of them interest me.


Hi ZeroSumTrader,

The ability to open multiple Marketscope windows will be added in the future release (in 2014). It is an official statement :slight_smile:


Glad to hear you’re a fan of Trading Station :slight_smile:

As Valeria mentioned, our developers are working on making multiple Marketscope windows an option as part of an update to the platform sometime next year. Unfortunately, I don’t have a specific date for you at this time, but I’ll post it here on the forum as soon as I know.
