My bizarre true life story

If it is okay, I am looking for feedback to a bizarre story I posted about my trip as a child. I have posted the story here:

I would also like to hear if you have any equally interesting or bizarre story, or a story that is even more interesting than this.

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Hi Sprotz,
An interesting story that serves to show that we can have an incredible level of detail impressed into our memories from significant events in our lives. My parents emigrated to Australia from the UK when I was 8 years old, and returned when I was 16. I had circumnavigated the world before being an adult and the two voyages - nearly six weeks each, were impressed in my memory in the most vivid detail. We sailed there via the Suez (before the 67 war) and sailed back via the Pacific, through the Panama canal. Missing a full 12 weeks of school, the education of the round trip of a lifetime was priceless. Recommended for any young family.

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