My broker's LP has stopped offering prices due to thin liquidity

My broker has removed Palladium from their listing due to their Liquidity Provider not offering prices on it due to thin liquidity.

I mostly trade metals and a little forex. I am still relatively new to trading (just over 2 years), I’ve had brokers close trading on things before temporally (hours, a day at most) but this does not seem to be that case, they have removed XPD from their website and seem to have silently removed with no public explanation.

After contacting their support the response I got was:

"liquidity providers do not offer pricing due to thin liquidity at the moment.

I’m afraid I cannot give you an exact time frame"

No other metals are affected however with my broker only supporting precious metals it reduces my pool of things I trade to only gold Silver and platinum.

Because I’ve never had this issue before and can’t really find anyone else mentioning it I can’t tell if this is a red flag or not.

Is this common and nothing to really worry about?

Are there any other metal traders here who’s broker is allowing palladium trading or is this more market wide?

My broker is already on thin ice with me (too much slippage too frequently), I’m about ready to move, if this is something that I should not accept then I may move sooner than I originally planned.


Yeah its probably because its going parabolic since 2020. Too many people all trading the same way so they cant hedge it. Easier to close market or suspend trading in certain direction. It looks so extended! My broker is ‘to close only’ so you cant open a new position.

That is what I figured but wanted clarification from someone else with another broker. Considering China’s automotive industry isn’t slowing down and industry does not move that quickly I suspect that it may be untradable for a while.

Guess I’ll move to a broker that supports a better range of metals and concentrate on platinum more.
