My equity is lower than the current loss

So i am trading with an ECN, or direct account on Bluenerry Markets.
I am currently down about 45 euros and I have a 100 euro account. It is showing my equity as 51 euros.
Why is this?
On my last ECN broker it would deduct the fee in the trade itself, not calculate it separately

that is what I would expect it to show - Equity = balance plus current gain(loss) = 100 +(-39.01-6.15) = 54.84. There must be a 3 Euro buy/sell spread accounted for.

Whatever the granular detail, allowing one trade to bring your balance down by 50% is a sure fire way to burn an account. All that has to happen is a spike down for one time period (a minute) and your account will be closed without a margin call. It will happen too fast

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your equity is always your balance + your unrealized PNL, so already your loss is included in that

It’s swap.



this is what’s relevant and important here

and it illustrates why opening a tiny account with very high leverage is a way of denying yourself both profit and any educational value other than learning why opening a tiny account with very high leverage is so unwise!