My EURUSD and other things

That’s sad @anon46773462, There is no reason for you to take on board any guilt here mate.

I always read your posts with interest and I think I’ve learned from them. They are always interesting, well reasoned and helpful, although I realise that they are just your way of doing a “Blog”. You never asked anyone to follow you - unlike a great many here who are looking to take an income, get “You tube followers” or just hear the sound of their own voices.

It is great to have someone who actually does have a lot of knowledge and experience, sharing their thoughts like this.

I see that @anon58863749 has already reconsidered his words and tried to undo any “hurt” he may have caused, so I would ask you, posssibly also on behalf of others who might feel as I do, to reconsider.

In a grown up world, we are all responsible for our own actions and words and it’s sad that the lad said what he did, but closing a trade and then watching it move in the “right” direction is just a part of the game - How often have we blamed the “phone for ringing”, the wife for calling us to dinner, or something we read on a forum, for our own decisions in closing or opening a trade ? It was just an “Oh shit…” time for him mate - Please don’t take it to heart :wink:

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Can we put this on a tshirt and start selling it immediately? Great stuff.

@anon46773462, you’ve already been instrumental in my learning over the short time I’ve been here. You obviously “get it” better than most here. And you can piece together your thoughts to make an often times complex and over analyzed topic actually understandable. I think that’s a super power!

Stick around is what I’m saying!

@anon46773462 - please come back to us…

@anon46773462 these are the requests of your viewer including me, but despite that your are regularly visiting the BP, you are neither responding nor giving any weightage to their request.

I thought you are a matured and intelligent person but I am really surprised with your behavior which is not supporting to my thoughts, rather it looks to a rigid or childish type.

I didn’t say anything which deserves this kind of attitude from you. I have already clarified my position to you earlier. However, if you ate really feeling heart so bad from any of my comment, then I would say sorry for that and request you to reconsider your decision by honouring the request of your viewers. They love you and need your guidance.

I hadn’t any intension to messing up your thread and you won’t see me around it in future.

Just keep up the good work. God bless you .


Very true.

Back in the day I took advice from an advisory broker and it cost some money. Guys who were in the same boat took a class action against him, they sent me the forms to do likewise.

I thought about it for half a second, then binned them.

I knew that the only action to be taken was against myself - it was my fault only - lesson learned and not forgotten.

Hi @anon46773462! I’ve been a follower of your posts here in the forums. You’re helping a lot of newbie here and I don’t think you’re a negative influence on anyone. I hope you’ll continue what you’re doing.

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Hi @anon46773462! :frowning: I dropped by for my regular visit on your thread and I just saw this. :frowning: You’re such an amazing person and I hope you continue posting on the forums, especially on your thread. :frowning: You’ve got reaaaly good and helpful content here.


Hey M, don’t be ridiculous, whatever happens, happens. You are giving your opinion on certain price movements, if someone uses your opinion, they use it. You are giving no guarantees, nor should any be expected. I enjoy your posts, and we may disagree on this and that, but the bottom line is that we are sharing ideas about trading, not established Newtonian physics. The difference being, there are no debates regarding the speed of light, calculations for gravity, calculations for acceleration etc.

Now trading is a totally different, there are so many variables hence so many different outcomes.

So anyway, don’t feel responsible if someone takes one of your ideas and runs with it, then they have a negative outcome, it is not about you, it is about them, they trade at their own risk, and they know that.

The Ever Encouraging VIPER


We’ll soon hear from him…:sunglasses:

An advice involving financial experiments should be granted with caution. Why do you think all websites dealing with financial information put risk disclaimer in their bottom? We have to always bear in mind that advice can easily turn into recommendation or even call for action for a newbie and lead to losses and frustration on their side. We risk to ruin such a great place to learn trading as Babypips handing out advices and shifting the blame for being wrong to somebody else

Hey O, Nah, if it wasn’t for opinions there would be no site to post on. Now that having been said, this is a trading site after all, and not Goldman Sach’s so there is that.

No to all of the above, while I have seen some Gurus blame their followers, saying that the followers are at fault, and they do not have not yet mastered the ability to be able to successfully trade the “System”.

However, if we are making suggestions and suppositions and theory, again, it is no ones fault except for themselves if they suffer losses. I have never seen any of the Regulars as opposed to Gurus on this site blame anyone but themselves for negative trades. Basically saying, well I guess I was wrong, and moving on to the next one. So there it is, I understand your concern but I think you are kind of overstating the danger.

The Ever Calm And Cool VIPER

I am not sure if you are speaking in general terms or specifically regarding the recent issue above.

Just to clarify things, the guy in question above did not lose, he actually made a profit! :slight_smile: His moan was that he closed his position prematurely, apparently based on my posting, and would have made more profit if he had kept it open - which is true.

What he failed to understand from my post was that I had stated that I had closed my own positions (also in profit) simply because it was the month end. I usually do this purely from bookkeeping/accounting purposes. I even wrote that there was no rational reason to close these, it was purely for accounting simplicity (I do my own accounting).

I do agree with you that we more experienced traders have a responsibility for what we post and that is one reason why I have never encouraged people to blindly follow my trades or views - and I don’t actually post them here anyway in any comprehensive manner.

This thread is a journal - which means it is a personal account of my own thoughts and trading ideas, nothing more than that. And that is a valid and common approach all over this site. But, as @TradeViper says, we are all ultimately responsible for doing our own research to ensure what we do is sensible and within our own objectives and constraints. If we blindly jump whenever someone says “jump” then we should not complain when we end up with our feet in a bog.

The reason why I am no longer posting here is not that I gave a wrong view (which actually was a very right view!) but because I cannot trust readers to take the time to really absorb what I am saying. Even that would not be a problem if it was only a question of passive reading, but if such persons are also trading based on a skimmed reading then I will not take responsibiity for that and prefer to save them their money by not printing anything here………

Trading is an intensely professional activity demanding concentration, discipline, consistency and above all, dedication - I don’t see much of these qualities amongst the Newbies that come to BP to play at forex. They forget to check their calendars, forget open trades on demo accounts, jump from strategy to strategy, and are far more interested in the social aspects of a forum than serious trading. Well, that is ok if that is their interest here. But I am (was) only here for serious trading and do not write for the brain-dead, Holy Grail seekers or semi-serious amateurs - unless they are happy playing swamp ball, of course! :D.


Was reading and hoping for a happy ending… :sob:

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Hey M, uncanny, I was thinking the same thing. I have had a bit more time on my hands than usual and have found a virtual commonality to virtually all of the new posters, and also some common failures of the rookie traders.

New posters do not look and read all of the resources available to them, it is so strange to see the same question asked over and over, even though it has been answered for years, I guess search bar is taboo, or people are too lazy, or maybe it is by design. I really have difficulty understanding some of this. Frankly if you are too lazy to do research on your own, you are not suited far trading. I think that some of this stuff was what drove _bob over the edge, or maybe he was already over and falling, and I just saw him pass my 13th floor corner office window, thinking he just went over. :grin:

Then there are the folks that just won’t listen, you try, and they will not listen, you warn, and time and time again, they will not listen. Then they suffer losses, freak out and give up. You point out that it is their emotions, and they don’t accept it. They fool themselves with a few positive trades, then, crash and burn. You warn them to check the overall market, or “Context”, and they think they know better than the market. You remind them to check the calendar, and they do not, you tell them not to trade too many pairs, or open too many positions at one time, and the don’t listen. They Martingale, scale in, “hedge” by buying or selling the same pair for a short term trade, etc, etc, etc,. They keep losing but still will not listen.

The Ever Short Of Patience Today VIPER


This is my favorite tool on the site! There is great intell that seldom comes to the surface due to the community-forums-“latest” approach to using the site.

I had learned to research until I am at a dead end or stuck at a cross-road and then ask for specific input/advice/suggestions as to my plan or considerations to move forward.

Log on and drill down!