My first day at babypips

hi ya’ll. first day here and very excited for what’s coming!!!


Welcome only_alex

Welcome! I’m sure you will enjoy and learn so much here! Take your time learning and be patient in this journey. Good luck!

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

Welcome to the community!

Welcome only_alex :heart_eyes: Here you can ask and share whatever you want about trading :wink:

Hi all.
Today is also my first day on your forum. I hope to find here friends and answers to my questions. Thank you.

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You are so dearly welcome.

Thank you. Have a nice day, everyone.

It’s awesome to see your enthusiasm! You’re in for an exciting journey of learning and growth. If you ever need any help or have any questions along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out. Enjoy your first day and best of luck on this forex adventure!

Welcome to the community, @only_alex. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners.

Welcome to the community, @Nicolas3. Just ask away if you have any questions.