My First day Learning

Hi my name is Junior and I’m from New Zealand. I’m currently studying electrician and part time security. One of my family members has been blowing up in trading and has been very successful. He’s practically living his dream which is playing games and earning money while trading. He learnt through an academy but Right now moneys tight so I thought I’d learn it myself. I believe in myself that I can do this, of course their will be hard times and struggles but it’s part of the process. I can’t wait to see myself in the next year. Baby steps

Best of luck.

have a very good journey on there , hope for the best.

Welcome to the community, Junior! Be patient and determined as you go through your trading journey. Good luck!

agree, patience is the foremost element to keep survival in this volatile trading place, because its a very long journey

as a beginner trader that is really difficult to keep patience when trading in demo. its a challenging issue

As a beginner you should be focused on giving much time to learning. Be patient. Don’t rush things. Learning in forex is a slow & steady process and you need to remain consistent. All the very best.