My First Forex Experience (NNFX)

It’s Pine. As far as I’m aware it’s their own language.

Very easy to pick up.

The developer posted on the NNFX Facebook group.

I just reached out via there and got an invite to the discord group.

Ignore the figures on this, as there’s calculations specifc to the NNFX algo does conversions etc.

The equity curve is accurate though.

It’s from Jan 1st this year for BTC on the 4 hour chart.

Not sure what platform you are planning using for trading but I use binance futures.

I’ve only just worked out how to do Stoploss orders on there.

As it only does a % of the price rather than a set amount, I was going to write my scripts to display a % value for the TSL at time of entry.

This will help me be able to use a strategy tester to improve the strategy over time also

Cool, I’ll give it a look. I think I might have checked it out a while back.

Cool, thanks.

Thanks for the heads up about Pro and the 40% off offer. Sounds like a deal.

I look forward to seeing the link to the crypto strategy and alert study.

I have just posted my first setup under a new My Crypto Trading Journal at this link: My Crypto Trading Journal

I am still fine tuning the data forms I intend to use for set up confirmation once I have identified suitable candidates that may match my plan criteria. You may be interested in the template I am using - it is provided as an attachment. I oscillate between Excel spreadsheets for mass data collection and Word documents because that is what I am used to reading and commenting on printed out copies (so 20th century!)

Thanks for this. BTC is probably not a good choice since it’s been strong bull all the way. Two drawdowns of significance and one of 10% or so since 1Jan21, otherwise behaving very well for AI in EA. If you have any time, please try to run the same model on XRP over July 2020 to current and see how that turns out. I made out very well (twice) on this currency, but only by luck not by strategy and plan that was consistent with much else I was doing.

If you are developing a tool I am very interested in using it (test mode) and as a paid subscriber or purchaser of the final product. The reason I have not done this before is because I did not know the originators from Adam. I’m always up for a new trial and will put to use quickly in a real account not a dummy account. We can afford a few satoshis :slight_smile:

I think I was a victim of poor timing. I applied for a Binance Jersey account the same week as they decided to shut it down, so they rejected my application and did not give a reason. I trade Cryptos from three platforms, a hot wallet and a cold wallet. Bittrex is my favourite but onramp fees and GBP/USD conversion are unpalatable. It is the only real exchange I use. The other two are denominated in GBP and are (for the Ruby card with 2% crypto payback) and Coinburp - a relatively small startup. I really need to do some research into capabilities. I don’t think I will be trading exotics too often, but you never know. Do Binance futures allow you to choose the leverage ratio, or do they have standard products like Long, 3XLong, short, 3Xshort? It’s a case of not knowing if what I want is available in the market for crypto currencies I wish to trade with leverage.

I’m using both the Leverage tokens in spot market, but also the Binance Futures and choosing leverage ratio from 1x to 120x

I got in just in time I believe, I’m able to trade the lot now questions!

You have been doing a great job. Keep doing the good work!

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Ok so today I’m going to just give a summary of where I am at with my manual trading, more so the future of it!!!

As anyone reading this will have seen, I work offshore, so I need to go things that work around this.

This is the main reason i’m reluctant to move away from the TradingView platform for manual trading. The likes of MT5 is fantastic, but to have all the plugins, indicators etc I need to be at my own PC. The MT5 web version lacks the features needed.

This is why I am actively pursuing the optimum TradingView way to manage my manual trades, while also using MT5 at home to establish a method of Auto Trading that can be hands off!

So, progress???


I’ve been working in the background learning the Pine Code and compiling a load of open source indicators and structure into the Strategy Tester linked below.

I’ve got the code now working completely correctly, with my counters, timers, code structure all setup so it’s going to be very simple to expand and add other indicators as time allows.

I’ve also had some good feedback from other TradingView users and have a little roadmap of other indicators I will be adding over time.

It’s also now allowed me to do a backtest of the core 28 currency pairs with my current Algo, which I’d only been able to paper trade backtesting before, and although I was confident in it’s positive edge I didn’t have enough data and the ability to backtest improvements on easiliy.

So my original testing took about 1 hour, per currency pair, per year, to test each setup,

I just ran all 28 pairs for 3 years in about 5 mins and got the data I wanted.

So my Algo, pretty much inline with what I expected, retuned 92% over 3 years. This on the compound calculator would equate to an expectation of about 1.8% per month.

What I am seeing with it is that there is alot of volatility on the equity curve, which leads me to think I’ll not find it too hard from here to optimise it slowly and get a slightly better return over time.

What I’m finding is that this has opened the doors massively for the sustainability of my method. It’s given me confidence in my positive edge, and given me a better understanding of the expectations of my system.

Maybe this is where I should have been month ago, pre demo, and pre live, BUT I don’t work that way!!! But what i do is push myself to consistently move forward.

Drawdown wise, I’ve seen some fairly big DD’s on individual currencies in the backtesting, so I know that this algo, in its current form would NOT be one I would take forward to prop firm trading.

Overall I’m excitied, it’s almost like I’ve “levelled up” in my trading.

Mondeo Man, I’ve not forgotten my promise, I’ll be making the required changes in the background to the Money Management side of things, and will publish the same Strategy for use with Cryptos later on in the month.

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Just finished tonights trades.

Closed one in profit, and opened 3 more.

No trades opened on CAD as there is high level news expected tomorrow.

Still moving forward.


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Hi Chris,
I now look forward to logging into Babypips in anticipation of reading about your rapid progress. I tried to envisage you in your room on the rig after a 12 hour shift, shower and meal. I’d be asleep by now at my age, but when younger, I’d spend hours with the other contractors talking about Get Rich Quick schemes, after which I would go to my Schlumberger toolshop, sit at my desk and paper-plan my future gazzillionaire status. These Get Rich Quick schemes have now morphed into “Get Rick Slow schemes” that I refer to as GRSxx where xx is the chronological numbering system. My current love of crypto investing / trading is itself a morphed version of my “GRS16” which means the sixteenth business opportunity pursued in the last decade since my little brother and I joked over a coffee in his home town about our love of “get rich schemes” until we had exhausted most of them with no benefit in our sixth decade of existence.

I am not sure if this input will be any use to you, but it is my understanding is that nirvana is not necessarily how fast an account can grow, but its growth rate as a function of its drawdown. My own “bible” on such topics is a hard copy of Van K Tharp’s Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, but I know there are other sources of similar material. This link summarizes the challenge but does not offer any practical view on what is an acceptable reward/drawdown figure. The Meaning of Drawdown in Forex

Keep it up. Fascinating.

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Funny you should mention drawdown and risk…

Today I have made a breakthrough in my plan to dynamically risk manage my equity curve.

NNFX Rules already restrict the position size to 2% of the account balance, this is taken as 1/1.5% the ATR or whatever you backtest as being the best.

Also there is a restriction of maximum exposure per currency, I have no more than 2 net positions exposed per currency at the moment.

What I have been looking at is ways I can manage further reducing position sizes based on recent performance of the strategy on a particular pair.

Now I have gotten my Strategy Coding to a fairly advanced position on TradingView, I can now look back at recent trade opportunities (whether I took them or not) and see what they would have made.

I’ve decided, when in negative equity I’ll use half risk, over 3% DD on the currency I will not trade it at all UNLESS there are 2 trades in a row showing that the currency is now moving back into a position of positive expectance.
Then returning to full risk when back above 0%.

This example is a trade I actually entered into yesterday at close.

You can see here the last 6 months it would have innitially gone into positive equity, but then has dropped into negative territory. At this point I’d have decided not to trade, as it is over 3% DD.

Here’s a little sneak of the code

And a little reminder to keep me grounded!

Hopefully using a form of manual, dynamic risk management will allow me to squeeze more out of each pair, adding ontop of the new found ability to quickly backtest hunches and ideas.

Cheers, Chris

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I like the idea of altering risk %. I just started doing something similar to this. My greed and FOMO makes it difficult, though.

Do you find it difficult to reduce your risk?

I’ll be honest, so far I’m not finding any of this emotional.

I think it’s 3 real reasons.

  1. I’ve lost money trading discretionary before (Crypto).
    I was up, then didn’t take profit… then liquidated.
    Then added more, and lost it… Then added more…
    Then I said… NO MORE! One really emotional night!

  2. I’m focusing on the process, not the trades.
    I don’t look at it as money, I look at it as results.
    They aren’t fun tokens yet, the numbers are telling me if I’m moving the right direction.

  3. I’m spending more time on the back testing and coding than I am on the trades.
    I literally jump on for 15 minutes, update my log with any closed (TP/TSL) trades,
    close any trades needing closed then open any new ones needing opened.
    It’s almost as if taking the actual trades is the least important part!

I do however wonder if things will change much when I inevitably go into a period of significant drawdown.

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Yikes! That sounds rough. It looks like you turned it into a stepping stone, not a quitting opportunity. Thanks for sharing!

Do you have a plan for that? Hold? Close?

The only plan there is to keep going.

I’m backtesting and improving all the time, but I do know that it needs to be an evolving process and markets change, trends change.

I’d like to say that using dynamic risk management, trading a range of pairs and suspending trading any pair that is in a period of DD in my strategy tester will keep me from seeing large levels of DD in the overall account, but the law of averages says I will hit a run of losses at some point.

It might not feel good, but I need to trust the process. And if the process is wrong, i need to fix it.

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See attached Strategy and Alert Study for Cryptos.

I’ve added the Binance Fees as default, as not including it effects the figures unrealistically.
Binance fee is 0.1%, dropping to 0.05% for using BNB as a means of paying your fees.

I had a play about with a few settings and got some decent results with a few combos.


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Little update today, just more on the Coding of my Tradingview strategy.

I’ve added in some rules for backtesting surrounding Stoplosses.

So the options are now,

Fixed Stoplosses, Trailing Stops, and Fixed/Trailing.

Fixed/Trailing is where the trade starts with Fixed stoplosses. Once the first part of the trade hits Take Profit level, the second part of the trade gets changed to a Trailing Stoploss.
This second part can be changed to a different ATR value to the original set.

Also I’ve added the option in Fixed Stops mode, to move the SL to Break Even on the second part of the trade when TP is hit on the first half of the trade.

Lots of options there to backtest and potentially implement in my actual trading as time goes on!

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