My FX Trading Migration Journey From Malaysia To Australia

13 years back when i was totally involved in Multi Level Marketing business. 25 years old at that time, i dedicated my whole time to MLM. Each day in and day out, meet potential downlines, trying to brainwash them into the programme.

Changed few MLM companies in 2 to 3 years till become frustrated to looks for people and sharing with like minded people till failed. One day i was wondering with my partner with a bottle of Tuborg, asking him is there any opportunities to make money without meeting or recruiting any people. He introduced FOREX to me. Little did i know that im going to spend my time in FX and then the thought of being a failure will eventually overtake me and let go the interest in learning of how to trade forex.

I did try to learn forex trading in my own. Babypips and Forex Factory was there for me to learn the basics of Forex Trading. I tried for few months but due to my laziness i stopped and start doing other things.

From there i have been an insurance agent, property agent, call center sales team, work as a road construction worker, supervisor in a plastic manufacturing company, credit card consolidation sales team, jobless few times, dropshipping, affiliate marketer and Online Marketplace seller.

Now im 38, married with 1 kid. Still doing everage in my life. But all these years of try & error in all types of sales and marketing, fx trading will always be a topic that i would tell myself if i had only spend atleast 5 years on it then i definitely would have become a successfull trader.

One day my wife told me, u have tried all these, why don’t your give your 100% in trading forex because u did know some basics. I told myself , i have already hit rock bottom few times, maybe i can survive another hit. The different is this time im really doing it with some experience and with some courage that is still left inside of me.

Here I am, Im Ravin and this will be my story of how i did change my financial situation in my life by learning Forex trading from Malaysia then migrate to Australia.

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Hi and welcome :slight_smile: it will be still long journey, good luck :slight_smile: Regards Greg

Good luck brother.Full steam ahead.If your prepared for what’s to come…and trust me it will come,then put on them big boy pants keep your head up and get to work.I did…

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Thanks for sharing your story! Don’t be afraid to seek help and learn from others, and always keep on improving. I wish you all the best on your forex trading journey!

Let the journey start. Ups and downs like the market, but we stay consistent.

Thank you for your encouragement brother.

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I will be needing a lot of help here, and i hope oneday we all can organize a group full of successfull traders.

Im just training myself to be familiar with MA anda MACD. I was able to make some decent profit using a demo account.

I will look for trend confirmation on 4H Timeframe by conforming is it bullish or bearish trend, then open positions on 15M by confirming the reversal trends using EMA20 & MACD. I will target only for 100 pips profit. SL will not be more than 200 pips.

While learning to trade forex using Demo account, im also learning about Japanese Candlestick Charting and Price Action Trading.


These courses by Steve Nison are abit old but it is still valid on today market votality and trends.

This is the second course by Steve Nison.


Im still 50-50 on my demo account after this 8 months. Learning forex trading is super hard but i wont quit. Maybe it will take another year or two for me to be atleast 70% consistently profit but i will not stop my pursue to be profitable forex trader.