My gbp/jpy trades

trading opportunity off todays open down thru yesterdays low to last weeks low around 129.64. Price reached a low of 128.77. I took my 40pips out in this area. Price has since found some support/buyers indicated by the last blue candle on the chart

By travpip at 2010-09-07

By travpip at 2010-09-07

100+pip trending momentum opportunity off near yesterdays low up towards yesterdays low.
Entered earlier than i should of would of liked due to work but was able to stay with the trade as it turned and trended up abouve the CPP,55ema and now heading toward yesterdays high.
Had my profit target of 50pips hit prior to getting home

By travpip at 2010-09-08

By travpip at 2010-09-08

very slow trading, gbp/jpy been stuck in a tight range past few days/weels.
First trades at start of the session i was thinking we might break out of the range atleast past fridays high, however wasnt to be and fiirst trades stopped out break even.Probably should of closed the trades out at fridays high
Fridays high was the ideal place to enter short for the session. By the time i had reassesed my view, price still held a way to fall, i felt i could enter a trade with my target being about 40pips away back at todays open…it might fall further, it might not get there too. Been sitting about 10pips from my profit target for about half an hour and considering calling it a day there.

By travpip at 2010-09-13

By travpip at 2010-09-13

At todays open, the start of the asian session there was a 100pip trending momentum trade setup off todays open down past yesterdays low, S1 and S2being my target for 50pips, which is also around last weeks low

By travpip at 2010-09-13

By travpip at 2010-09-13

100pips trending momentum setup off the floor formed around 128.1back up to todays central pivot at 129.30 early us session

By travpip at 2010-09-14

By travpip at 2010-09-14

Trending momentum setup, after the failed retest of yesterdays high. Price turned and broke through the floor and 55ema, first traget for me the daily CPP, which it reached quickly, Price might head down to 128.30 being MS1, however i got my real job to do and have to get away from the computer so i closed both my positions for 23pips each

By travpip at 2010-09-14

By travpip at 2010-09-14

the chart looks some what different about 10minutes later a big bull candle has just formed, price has shot up 50pips in a minute, glad i closed out when i did

Interesting trading day as it turned out.
5 minutes after closing my shorts during asian session, price jumped 100pips within minutes. As i didn’t know the reason at the time and i felt it had gone too high too quickly i decided not to chase it and see what would pane out, (often seen price up 100pip just to see come back to where it started). As it turns out it was BOJ intervention which i discovered in hindsight and some 300pips later price began consolidating at the daily R3 being around 131.5 and a flag was forming prior to london open. I saw an opportunity like many others i suspect to enter a trade and thought that 100pips up from the daily R3 would be reasonable target to be shooting for.

By travpip at 2010-09-15

By travpip at 2010-09-15

Hi Trav72,

I have a question regarding the indicators I see on your template. Before posting this question, I searched through the whole thread, but it seems that there is no mention anywhere. Where can I find the range data indicator for MT4 posted on the top left of your screen? I do have the 1000 MT4 file downloaded already (if this is where you got it from of course) but I cannot seem able to locate it. Also, in regards to the colored lines with text on the right of your screen for the pivot points, do you plot all that info. manually each day, or is there another indicator that does all this work for you?

I understand you are very busy, so I just want to say thank you for the effort you put into this thread. Much to read, and even more to learn. Keep up the good work! Thanks again.

SDX-TzPivots i find the best,
They do it all, i just move my Central pivot purple line to the new position when it comes out, and i draw a green line over the previous day high and low, so that it stays there when the next day pivots come out.
This indicator also plots the stuff up in the left hand corner.
You have a few inputs to play with to get your timezone right, it depends on your platform, but mine is local timezone -1 and destination time zone 0.
To know if they are right check it against standard daily pivots, which are calculated at 5pm new york time.
Pivots calculated at midnight New york time are also quiet reliable so i have that on a seperate chart to keep an eye on too.
hope that helps

Thanks a lot Trav72. It does help a great deal. I am on EST in the states (“only” 14 hours behind your timezone I believe!) so the default settings fit me just fine. Thanks again. :slight_smile:

Euro session trades
I think traders have become a little nervous…maybe its just me…since the big hit from BOJ, now left wondering when or if they will do it again and how the price action is going to behave from now on…

By travpip at 2010-09-17

By travpip at 2010-09-17

Long trade slow price action, been in the trade all day closed out for 60pips, my initial target was 133.3 or even 132.9, but it has been bit slow, so decided to take my pips off the table and will look for another setup tomorrow.

By travpip at 2010-09-20

By travpip at 2010-09-20

The past week i have seen few descisive opportunities with gbp/jpy, maybe traders have been sitting back after the intervention a couple of weeks ago.
Tonight, close to 100 pip opportunity trending momentum trade setup came up off yesterdays low up to yesterdays high.

By travpip at 2010-09-28

By travpip at 2010-09-28

100pip oppurtunity off todays CPP down past yesterdays low to S2 at 130.71.
First trade i entered earlier in the day at todays open after the retrace to the CPP, saw an opportunity that price would retest yesterdays low. All day in never quite got there. Finally did with a bearish trending momentum opportunity turned up so entered another trade with my target being just above S2.
As aside the aussie dollar smashed through 99cents, making an all time high, now looking for parity, on the back of further good job figures released today and possibly the hold on interests rates on monday now having a reverse effect.

By travpip at 2010-10-07

By travpip at 2010-10-07

100+pip opportunity from the todays ceiling being the 55ema and R1. Entered when price started moving with momentum below todays CPP
My target was todays S2 at around 126.50, which was reached quite quickly with some nice trending momentum.

By travpip at 2010-10-25

By travpip at 2010-10-25

Limited opportunites the past few weeks with the yen crosses as far as i have seen. As a result i have been watching the aud/us and eur/usd to keep the interest.
With gbp/jpy, other than mondays spike, which i missed, this week we have seen barely any movement in the pair with the range lucky to be 50pips.
In typical gbp/jpy fashion it managed to break out of this range on the back of the PMI figure as an excuse.
It seems they (whoever they are) have the inside information. The short sellers were inticed slight at the start of the session when a bearish feel was created, only to reverse and be perfectly placed at the top of the range resistance, just prior to the data release, around 129.60 were the short range play sellers would become interested again. Then the figure comes out a few minutes before the official release time and the resistance is broken and the upward trending momentum move confirmed, targets being daily S2, S3 and now who knows…i think sometimes they have it mapped out.

By travpip at 2010-11-03

By travpip at 2010-11-03

After yesterdays breakout, the pair formed a descending triangle, reaching its apex at the start of the euro session. A continuation breakout occured and i took my profit at MR1 for 45pips

By travpip at 2010-11-04

By travpip at 2010-11-04

At the beginning of the asian session made a few pips on the break of yesterdays high, however this move soon pettered out so closed the order as it wasnt likely that it would push on today with NFP insight.
The obvious move after that was the short down to todays CPP, which began with a spurt of momentum, but then slowly slid down for the remaining of the asian session and at the beginning of the euro session the move gathered a little momentum and the target was reached. and then when on to MS1 and the 55ema where a floor maybe forming
Probably not much more is going to happen now prior to NFP, but who knows?

By travpip at 2010-11-05

By travpip at 2010-11-05

Trending momentum setup appeared once price broke through the rising trendline and the CPP ceiling. Didn’t quite make it to fridays low or S1, but was able to grab 50pips

By travpip at 2010-11-08

By travpip at 2010-11-08

When i woke up this morning, as tuesdays US session was closing i noticed the price action had changed, as highlighted on the chart. The pin bar followed by some bullish bars turn around the price action. I entered a position based on this, earlier than normal anticipating a flag to form prior to the asian session open, though that didnt exactly happen. I pretty much followed it all day (past 12hours), as it consolidated sharply up and down but within a tight range and the flag was forming in usd/jpy. I was expecting the upisde break initially during the asian session, though that didnt eventuate and then thinking it might happen during the euro session open and that didnt eventuate, stuck with it now mid morning london time the momentum break has occured and my targets being R1 at 130.33 and R2 at 130.83 have beenreach closing one position for 75pips and the other for 87pips.

By travpip at 2010-11-10

By travpip at 2010-11-10