My Inspiration for Forex trading

Hello Fellow traders.

I am a new to Forex, haven’t a clue what’s going on, but very keen to learn all about trading. I was referred by a friend. My main aim is to provide an income strong enough to replace my current salary and then resign from my job. I’m in the rat race and I’m hoping I can learn enough from this community to be able to step away from my day job, work less hours and spend those extra hours with my kids.


It’s a gradual progression might take years to become consistently profitable to support you and your family.The positive s you can open an account with a broker and practice on Demo whilst taking all the knowledge in

There are many ways to make money online that are more likely to replace your salary than forex. That’s not to say that forex can’t but it’s a skill and about discipline and many can’t marry the two up to be successful.**

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If all you think about is making money then trading FX is not for you.

Why? Because FX is a negative sum profit and loss game. You will lose money on trades, it’s not a one way street. If it was that easy, we would all be millionaires.

Ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mostly fantasy land. Anyway, now you’re here focus on learning how not to lose money instead.

No wonder 85% of newbies blow their accounts, within weeks of going live.

I am currently doing trades every day and very rarely am I unsucessful. I am looking to do a few small trades every day and take out of the 200-250. I love the challenge and have my routine in order. I have done very well in a short space of time.

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Be prepared to lose. 90%+ fail long term. Hardest market in the world to succeed in. But once you learn it, or skill/intelligence, it is awesome.

Start with $100. Trade $1 micros.

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