My Introduction to Forex

Hello, I’m Steele. I am completely new to Forex and trading, never took a shot at it until a family member brought it to my attention. My reasoning for joining is because it all seems very interesting and my uncle feels that it was a game changer for him and I cannot wait to get started on everything.

That’s great to hear! If you want to be successful treat this like a business or like your going to get your masters degree. Take it take serious and it will pay off. They a have a great free education course. But also keep in mind most of your Learning and development will come from hands on application and consistent practice. Follow me to see my tips and updates!

How long has your uncle been trading and how has it been for him? :slight_smile:

Good to see you here. Yes you can follow your uncle and can learn forex from him.

Well, you have to prepare for the long journey to success. There is no short cut to being a consistent profitable trader. The emotional challenge is like scaling Mount Everest with a heavy backpack on your shoulders in a snow storm and avoiding an avalanche.

Simple, yes, easy, not by a long chalk. When practising on a demo account be calm, cool, and collected. Best of luck.