My introduction

I found it difficult to see where i can introduce myself here, so I’m using this medium to do just that.
I’m Collins and I live in Osaka Japan. I decided to jump into forex because I needed something I can do for myself to be free forever from 9-5 job.

I’m basically new to forex but I’m speeding things up and learning real fast and would love your encouragements.

There is no short cut to success, so apologies, you’ll need to take the learning journey that this site can offer you.

Press the Learn Forex tab above. See if FX suits you and your lifestyle, practising and experimenting on a demo account.

best of luck. .

Hi and welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome to the community, Collins. Start with the education section here. It’s the best place to start for beginners.

Welcome Collins! Don’t worry about the introduction, you did just fine! Feel free to share your progress and experiences with us as you continue your trading journey. We’re all here to learn and grow together!