My Introduction

Hi, I’m Aipheee(Aiphy)… I’m from Nigeria…
I’ve been looking for another source of income apart from my everyday job until someone introduced me to FX Trading & babypips… I’m so glad to be here…I’m really new…haven’t done any trading before even the demo version…but I know I’m in the right place, and I’ll get better in time.

I’m looking forward to the same. I hear this a very profitable income option…

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Hi and welcome :slight_smile: start from the education section and good luck Regards Greg


Hello Aiphy! We’re glad you’ve joined the community. Take it one step at a time. Once you know the basic, try opening a demo account and practice. Good luck!

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That’s the spirit! :blush: Have you already read through the school here? :smiley: I think it’s a really good place to start. :blush: Good luuuck! :smiley:

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It’s good to welcome you here, Aiphy! It’s great that you are so much interested in trading, I think it’s a very interesting activity that gets you used to a lot of useful qualities. I see that you’ve already been advised to go to the education section, you should like it there. There you’ll be able to quickly and free learn the base, which is needed in trading. Practice your demo account as much as you need. When you feel confident and know what to do and how to do it, then dare to open a real account. And one last tip (probably the most important one) - unfortunately now there are a lot of scammers in the net, so when choosing a broker don’t be lazy to spend a lot of time on its choice. It can save you your money.

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Welcome to the BabyPips community, Aipheee. Start with the education section here. Good luck!

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