My introduction

Hey y’all I’m Nate. I am from South Georgia, I have no trading experience. I am looking to supplement my income with trading, and in the event that I get good enough replace my income.

Hi and welcome :slight_smile:

You must focus on learning to trade FX properly and proficiently which means learning HOW NOT TO LOSE MONEY. FX is not, and never will be an income source, like a regular job. It’s speculative, high risk and over 90% of newbies fail, because they overtrade, revenge trade and gamble.

And ignore social media hype fantasy land, they only want your money to pay for courses. This site is free.

Welcome here Nate.

Welcoooome. :blush: I hope you enjoy your stay here. :smiley: Have you started with the school? :smiley:

You can learn a lot from this forum, and other educational places such as YouTube