My Introduction

Hello my name is Shiloh but you can call me Shilohmania. I’m an absolute new to forex and Babypips. I was introduced to forex not long ago, I would like to learn as much as I can from this platform and make new friends. I have opened a demo account, but I’m still kind of lost and I don’t really know what I’m doing. I just wanna soak up as much information as I can and then be able to share the knowledge with people who need it too. please my new friends help me to be successful in this new career.
**thank you very much.

most welcome in baby pips forum , enjoy your stay , its a most popular forum we have .

Hold on to that notion that you don’t know what you are doing and you have lots to learn for now as it will be a preventative measure against loading up a live account and “having a go”.

You are most welcome in this market.