My introduction

Hi I’m new to trading can’t wait to learn,this is still a new beginning for me and I would love to master the skill of trading as there is no limit to learning on how to trade.

What I would like is for a professional trader to take me as their student and to guide me from step 1 A to Z.


Hello and welcome, be prepared, 95%+ of people fail to be profitable for four plus consecutive years or longer, if they survive that long at all.

Welcome to the forum. You can learn forex and after learning can start practicing with demo account and should prepare yourself for real trading.

Ignore social media marketing hype, it’s mainly fantasy land. And the best gurus on YouTube are looking for your money for their easy income.

Hello and welcome. I don’t think you need a mentor to learn forex trading. Most of us are self taught traders and we are doing pretty well. You can start learning from babypips itself. All the best for your trading journey.

Hi, welcome here! Now that you are here, I don’t think you need to learn from anyone. The school of pipsology is so good to get your basics done. Also, you will easily find several brokers who will let you practice on a demo account.

Hey, it’s great that you are going to start your career as a forex trader. But I don’t think that you need anyone to teach you the basics. You can find that for free at the school of pipsology. Focus on learning to trade not on trading to make money.

Hello and welcome! Nice to meet you!