My introduction

I’m Ishimwe
I’m here basically cause I want to learn new things that can help me get some money. I really need this money.
Thank you

If you really need this money, don’t trade FX because it is a highly speculative profit and loss venture. You will lose money on some trades, as does every trader on the planet.

There is no short cut to success despite what social media hype would have you believe. Sorry to be negative, but that’s the reality.

Be prepared to lose. 90%+ fail long term. Hardest market in the world to succeed in. But once you learn it, or skill/intelligence, it is awesome.

Start with $100. Trade $1 micros. Take it slow. Only use money you can afford to set on fire.

Don’t use more than 50:1 leverage.

If you focus on the money you are doomed. Focus on the trades.

Do one good trade. Then look for the next. Don’t trade to trade.