My introduction

I am Ayinde Habeeb Olatunji. Popularly known as Madiba. I’m new here and I so much have more interest in forex trading market.

Hi I’m jason. Known here as money_satyromaniac. I want to learn to trade forex to replace my 9 to 5. I’m from West TEXAS in the United States. Looking forward to getting to know Y’all and making money together!

So you have a plan in place? Money does not grow on trees in the FX market. Play around on a demo account, otherwise you’ll go broke quickly.

That’s the reality.

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this forum is full of education and beginners can bring good amount of knowledge from there , i hope you will enjoy this environment.

Forex is a good place to bring good amount of profit . but of course you have to make sure the best trading knowledge , otherwise any kind of approach can be useless.

hi and welcome

hope your journey will be awesome , this community is really friendly and supportive for beginners level.