My introduction

hey, my name is Hasan and I have some forex experience but would still consider myself a beginner. I know this journey will be long and that there is a lot of learning that needs to be done—looking forward to learning from everyone.

Hi Hasan and welcome. Just focus on carrying on learning and practicing. This forum acts as a good sound board to bounce ideas off of and ask any questions

Welcome to the community Hasan!

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Lots of different ways to trade, find what works and stick with it.

Part of what hinders a lot of people’s progress, is the first time they see bad trades using a particular strategy, they abandon it and flee to something else.

Invariably this cycle repeats itself, and they are just delaying real success.

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welcome to this community . have a very good journey from there.

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you can start with psychology of school including a practice account , this is a perfect combination for the beginners who willing to learn.

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school is important i agree but beginners should go through this education minimum for 2 times. otherwise it will not works.

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