My introduction

Hello everyone!
Stepping in to learning forex.
I’m a mom of two little boys wanna get back to be independent without doing any 8/9hrs work.

Learning is a misnomer. I could teach you in one hour how to press buttons. Learning how not to lose your capital is a whole new ballgame. That could take a very long time. So be prepared.

There is no easy way, no short cut, despite what social media marketing hype tells you. I suggest you start on this great education site, take it easy one step at a time, see if trading FX on a demo account suits you and your lifestyle.

Best of luck.

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Absolutely it’ll take a lot of time.

Thank you!

Hi and welcome… :slightly_smiling_face:

I would look into other ways of making money to help yourself along and prevent leaning on trading to make you money while you learn.