My introduction

Hello everyone, I am Illia from Australia I want to learn a trade as I am tired of being financially dependent. I want to live my life to the fullest and I am ready to sacrifice my young years to spend the rest of my life doing whatever I want and I think that trading could help me with it. I am completely new to this although I have done a bit of research on this and I am going to continue doing it until I can reach my final goal/

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learning is important there is no way to deny but according to me , in spite of having learning much the result of trading can be useless if there is no regular level of practice.

so many traders in this market place who from Australia , i hope you will enjoy the environment.

this forum is very supportive for the traders who are especially beginners . hope you will enjoy this educational environment . happy trading

hi and welcome

Welcome welcome Illia! :blush: Such a beautiful name, I think. :smiley: I’m assuming you’re quite young, so I hope you’re not too hard on yourself for still being financially dependent. :open_mouth: At the same time, it’s also nice that you’re starting to explore forex even while you’re still young. :smiley: Have you tried the school here? It might help you out with the basics. :blush: